The Last Door - Prologue
The Last Door or the last gate is a graphic adventure horror implemented in 8-bit pixel graphics style.The Last Door - Prologue
The Last Door - Prologue
The Last Door or the last gate is a graphic adventure horror implemented in 8-bit pixel graphics style. The idea behind pixelated games is to get player focused on the chilling storyline, atmosphere and sound effects rather than to the actual graphic effects. This way you activate the player's brain to fill in the missing gaps and become more interactive with the game itself. Not all pixel-art games are good, but this one really is. The developer is 'Game Kitchen' studio from Spain.
The main concept is that the player's imagination is what produces the fear, not the illustrations. You usually don't see the source of your fears, since the sensation of fear comes from something that actually didn't happen yet or even doesn't exist. This is a sort of an unique experiment that proves how one can get afraid of just a piece of an 8-bit black blob.
The story begins in late 19th century in southern England, a time and the place covered with mysteries and conspiracies. Approximate each chapter is to be played for about 30 minutes. As the usual point and click adventures, this one is also filled with puzzles to be solved, objects to combine and exploring things. There are four chapters of the game and they are distributed as individual games. This one here is just a prologue (called The Silence) so you can get familiar with the idea. We will probably add chapters later on. This is a story about a guy who gets worried about his old friend Anthony who seems disappeared. He arrives to his house late at night, and start investigating clues to figure out what could have happened to him.
Gamestube's walkthrough of The Last Door : Prologue
serialzero :
Yet another series I nerded out hard over, then gladly became a "shut up and take my money" meme for when it got a Steam release, lol. >w<
BadEverDayXD :
thecrazyone :
i didnt know what to do honestly...had to get some help.. >u<
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
Short game here.
cordelia :
Not much to do, but I guess that makes sense for a trailer/prologue.
Marcelino :
like Silent Hill
Daedra :
+5 :3
huhh very scary;)...
Scientist :
I thought that a jumpscare will come at the end but it is still nice.
Gaia2007 :
Like it like a mini trailer game =)
serialzero :
@scary_kid... No, you're not doing anything wrong. It was meant to be a short intro to what the series is like. Kind of an interactive teaser trailer.
scary_kid :
is that all? or i'm doing something wrong? my lantern run out of oil and that's it ... weird end ...
serialzero :
Can't wait until they release more chapters on their website. This series is really engaging. X3
HellaRadKawaiiCat :
I wanna play the rest of them now. It was actually a really good game.
rainbowsgoboom :
aw man
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
hey my lantern has ran out of oil.Is that the end?
Scarecrow :
Addicting, with a great soundtrack and atmosphere!
rickcrimzon :
that was incredible. i actually wanna play this game
JaneTheKiller :
I can't finish it :(
serialzero (3975) - 2021-07-31, 01:41Yet another series I nerded out hard over, then gladly became a "shut up and take my money" meme for when it got a Steam release, lol. >w<
BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 16:33NYEHEHE
thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 20:57i didnt know what to do honestly...had to get some help.. >u<
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2016-12-19, 02:48Short game here.
cordelia (2950) - 2016-02-10, 23:42Not much to do, but I guess that makes sense for a trailer/prologue.
Marcelino (292) - 2015-11-13, 13:05like Silent Hill
Daedra (426) - 2015-07-26, 17:01+5 :3
D3RK_KNIGHT (1505) - 2015-04-27, 16:58huhh very scary;)...
Scientist (2717) - 2015-04-27, 15:58I thought that a jumpscare will come at the end but it is still nice.
Gaia2007 (148) - 2015-03-24, 22:19Like it like a mini trailer game =)
serialzero (3975) - 2015-01-27, 07:20@scary_kid... No, you're not doing anything wrong. It was meant to be a short intro to what the series is like. Kind of an interactive teaser trailer.
scary_kid (5862) - 2015-01-27, 05:06is that all? or i'm doing something wrong? my lantern run out of oil and that's it ... weird end ...
serialzero (3975) - 2015-01-07, 13:58Can't wait until they release more chapters on their website. This series is really engaging. X3