Slender Run - Only A Runner
Don't get caught up with this catchy title as Slender Run is only an endless runner, nothing scary about it.
Slender Run - Only A Runner
Slender Run - Only A Runner
Don't get caught up with this catchy title as Slender Run is only an endless runner, nothing scary about it.
Slender Run is a totally indie game made by two guys, one as designer, the other as illustrator. You will find their names under 'credits'. Their idea was to test game building capabilities of Stencyl platform, which as far as I know are quite limiting. Yet they tried their best to make another Slender horror adventure. As we all know Slender-man attracts a lot of attention, and kids are always eager to click and find out what's next coming from the dark twisted mind of this shadowy creature.

This time, disappointment. No flashlights, no going outs into deep woods, nor getting creeped out from behind by a monster. Nothing. Actually when I played it first time, I felt cheated in a way. Slender games used to deliver tension and unpleasant tingles, not jogging with obstacles. So, if you hate it, as much as I do, don't be shy, just shout it out in the comments box below.

What you do instead is run, jump, double jump and role over, to avoid gully, pitfalls and all kinds of obstacles ahead. If you ever trip over, only once, everything will get instantly pixelated and it all fades out in a blurry distance, because that would mean that Slendey to catched up with you. The game than sets you back to start and you play the same thing over again.
KittensAreEvil :
Character was a tab bit slow, but not a bad "runner" game.
kalli_tp :
Oh abd it speeds up on it's own after a bit only if you dont loose of course
kalli_tp :
Not scary nor difficult, I played this multiple times and I finished it! x
BadEverDayXD :
slenderman :>
Rose_Miku :
Saddest excuse for a Slender game ever... ~Rose Miku
Scientist :
I'd give it a 2/5. The music is okay, I guess. But the game in itself is pretty easy and pointless. The font in the main menu is low resolution and Slenderman looks like a slightly thicker version of the South Park aliens.
Queen Creep04 :
It went too slow, i lost every time. :(
fuzzycoon :
Too loud
thecrazyone :
i feel like im the slow one here cause slender always catches me...
Miss no name :
And he'll always catch meh
scary_kid :
Okay, it's not scary, it's slow , it's nothing much... it's just a jump-roll game .
Sans The Skeleton :
For me, this game is slow
SpoopzMasterPinky :
OK, this is the part where i'm supposed to say a pun to make people laugh, so um... you can say that slender SLENDED me gud... yea there you go world... that's you pun for the day heh:D
KittensAreEvil (207) - 2018-09-20, 03:48Character was a tab bit slow, but not a bad "runner" game.
kalli_tp (327) - 2018-08-11, 15:25Oh abd it speeds up on it's own after a bit only if you dont loose of course
kalli_tp (327) - 2018-08-11, 15:22Not scary nor difficult, I played this multiple times and I finished it! x
BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 13:38slenderman :>
Rose_Miku (2391) - 2017-12-18, 15:57Saddest excuse for a Slender game ever... ~Rose Miku
Scientist (2717) - 2017-10-21, 06:20I'd give it a 2/5. The music is okay, I guess. But the game in itself is pretty easy and pointless. The font in the main menu is low resolution and Slenderman looks like a slightly thicker version of the South Park aliens.
Queen Creep04 (135) - 2017-08-27, 20:34It went too slow, i lost every time. :(
fuzzycoon (26) - 2017-07-06, 06:58Too loud
thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-18, 22:37i feel like im the slow one here cause slender always catches me...
Miss no name (87) - 2017-06-15, 03:16And he'll always catch meh
scary_kid (5862) - 2017-03-18, 19:24Okay, it's not scary, it's slow , it's nothing much... it's just a jump-roll game .
Sans The Skeleton (60) - 2017-03-12, 03:17For me, this game is slow
SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-03-11, 11:43OK, this is the part where i'm supposed to say a pun to make people laugh, so um... you can say that slender SLENDED me gud... yea there you go world... that's you pun for the day heh:D