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Slender Mystery Camp 3D

Slender Mystery Camp 3D
Slender Mystery Camp is yet another iteration of the popular Slenderman series.
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Slender Mystery Camp 3D

Slender Mystery Camp 3D

Slender Mystery Camp is yet another iteration of the popular Slenderman series. Though it may not be the worst that's out there, it's not necessarily the best either. As far as the basic setup goes, it keeps pretty faithful to the original.

Gameplay ...

image of slender mystery camp 3D: tents

Your character must explore a dark, spooky environment, collect eight pages, and escape death at the hands of Slenderman. There is no real indication of a plot, other than the premise that you're at a campsite of some variety, as evidenced by the tents at your starting point.

chirping of cricket and ... that's it?

image of slender mystery camp 3D saying don't look or it takes you!!

The rest of the environment has a few different points of interest, though not all of them make complete sense. The palm trees, for example, seem a bit out of place for where you're supposed to be. The sound effects are fairly minimal. Just the chirping of crickets, and the booming of Slenderman's impending arrival, which would be somewhat effective if it didn't cut out awkwardly the further you get away from him. Which brings us to Slenderman himself.

Slender-man ...static ...again

image of slender mystery camp 3D: This is Slender-man!

There have been a few decidedly lazy horror games where your pursuer is nothing but a static image that floats towards you. This one isn't much different. Slenderman is still a static image, but he sort of jerks towards you instead of maintaining an even glide.

Smooth controls though

Gameplay is pretty standard. No complaints about the controls. They're thankfully very smooth, and there don't seem to be any issues with getting snagged too heavily on any of the objects in the environment. Character movement is sadly, probably the best thing about this game. There also seems to be a small issue with the ending.

So, you've just collected your last page, what next?

After collecting all eight pages, there's no clear direction on what to do or where to go afterwards. This may have been the point all along, and the twist is that you can never escape, but again, it's not abundantly clear. Is it fun? A little bit, yes. Is it scary? Not so much. It's not an abominably awful game, but if you're looking for true, mind-numbing terror, you'll probably want to look elsewhere.


Special thanks goes to our friend 'serialzero' who recommended this game and also did this nice review. If you too find a good flash/unity horror game, please contact me.

ChochiPROChochiPRO : why is it so hard to leave this country

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : This game didn't work for me, but it looks cool.

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ok..

thecrazyonethecrazyone : another slendy game?? o.O i couldnt escape even when i had trouble finding the last page..i was lost lol

D3RK_KNIGHTD3RK_KNIGHT : all pages colellected..but you cant escape

D3RK_KNIGHTD3RK_KNIGHT : hmmn looks interesting...

ScientistScientist : The game was too easy(i first tried it) and if you collect all pages you have to wait that slender kills you,other than that it was good 4 stars.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : @serialzero,yes.

serialzeroserialzero : Heh. Oh, and I agree with you, Miss_Choco. His arms are weird. The color looks like human flesh that's been burned badly. Doesn't seem to fit with his character. XP

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : good job @serialzero :) nice game

scary_kidscary_kid : lolz @serialzero xD everyone wants to win this game, but no one can :D I have no comment to leave for this game , just if anyone ever , like ever ever figure out can it be finished (as all other normal games), pleaseee comment (text me whatever) :D

serialzeroserialzero : LOL. Geez, why did I recommend this game? What was I thinking? I guess I figured, "Hey, another Slenderman game. It can't be too bad, right? How could anyone possible screw this formula up?" Then I actually played it through to the end, and hoo boy. Was I wrong. XD

scary_kidscary_kid : There is one rock where u can climb up but the end is same, U can stay there forever, or let him kill U :D

scary_kidscary_kid : lolz, yeah, everytime I let him kill me because I'm sick and tired hiding from him, seems that's the only way to finish this game @serialzero ...

serialzeroserialzero : Well, I searched through a few different LP's, because this was driving me nuts, and it looks like that really is how you finish it. You're supposed to collect the pages, then die. The end. >_>

serialzeroserialzero : @scary_kid... Yeah, eventually I got so tired of trying to find something that worked, that I just let him kill me. When it says, "You found all eight pages, but you cannot hide!", I'm not sure if that means there's no way to win the game, or if it goes along with the theory you had that you're supposed to find a hiding spot or a secret exit somewhere. -_-

scary_kidscary_kid : There is something about the rocky hills, I've tried to hide there, U can actually climb a bit on them pressin' the "space" button but I'm not sure is it helpful at all.

scary_kidscary_kid : Yep, same here :D i checked out every corner of this game and nothing ... Can't figure it out , will try one more time to see is Slenderman sick and tired of chasing me around the camp or not :D

serialzeroserialzero : Tried it again. Found all eight pages. Went back around to every environmental object and touched each one to see if anything happened. Went completely around the outside to try and find an exit of some sort. Nothing. -_-

serialzeroserialzero : I see I'm not the only person who had trouble figuring out what the heck to do after collecting all eight pages. That makes me feel a little better, LOL. XD

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : @Dark,I'm requesting you to submit a slender man game named Slender the cursed forest.It's a multiplayer online game.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : His arms are gross.

scary_kidscary_kid : I've noticed that I can climb on the rocks but he can find me anywhere... :(

scary_kidscary_kid : lol, at the end, I need to hide... where? :D aywhere?

scary_kidscary_kid : OOPs!! It's scary ... Jumpscares everywhere I tought i's gonna be easy to collect all 8 pages :D

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-17, 10:12
    why is it so hard to leave this country

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2019-04-02, 13:42
    This game didn't work for me, but it looks cool.

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 20:34

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 19:02
    another slendy game?? o.O
    i couldnt escape even when i had trouble finding the last page..i was lost lol

  • avatar
    D3RK_KNIGHT (1505) - 2015-04-28, 04:48
    all pages colellected..but you cant escape

  • avatar
    D3RK_KNIGHT (1505) - 2015-04-27, 12:51
    hmmn looks interesting...

  • avatar
    Scientist (2717) - 2015-04-26, 07:58
    The game was too easy(i first tried it) and if you collect all pages you have to wait that slender kills you,other than that it was good 4 stars.

  • avatar
    Vincent Bishop FNAF (2646) - 2015-02-02, 07:45

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-01-31, 17:43
    Heh. Oh, and I agree with you, Miss_Choco. His arms are weird. The color looks like human flesh that's been burned badly. Doesn't seem to fit with his character. XP

  • avatar
    cute_but_scary (1672) - 2015-01-31, 12:04
    good job @serialzero :) nice game

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-01-31, 08:23
    lolz @serialzero xD everyone wants to win this game, but no one can :D I have no comment to leave for this game , just if anyone ever , like ever ever figure out can it be finished (as all other normal games), pleaseee comment (text me whatever) :D

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-01-30, 15:30
    LOL. Geez, why did I recommend this game? What was I thinking? I guess I figured, "Hey, another Slenderman game. It can't be too bad, right? How could anyone possible screw this formula up?" Then I actually played it through to the end, and hoo boy. Was I wrong. XD

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-01-30, 11:43
    There is one rock where u can climb up but the end is same, U can stay there forever, or let him kill U :D

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