Slender Micro
In 'Micro' version you will face a 16-bit Slenderman, while on a new mission of collecting not 8, but only 5 tiny micro notes.Slender Micro
Slender Micro
In 'Micro' version you will face a 16-bit Slenderman, while on a new mission of collecting not 8, but only 5 tiny micro notes.
With series of successful low-res horror games: "The Last Door", "Don't Escape" and "Deeper Sleep", Scriptwelder has definitely captured the attention of gaming community when it comes to more and more popular pixel-art genre. That's why it's not too surprising that somebody came to the idea to place Slenderman into the context of 8-bit graphics.

Slender-man is these days a widely spread horror phenomena, an Internet meme, which is present in media, games and horror galleries. Each cell in your brain is telling you that these kinds of 'creatures' are not real, however, sooner or later, each one of us will come across a situation which reason and logic can't explain. In those dark places, the creatures from our stories come alive, and in one such place so did the Slender-man.

The game was inspired by one of many versions of Slenderman: "Slenderman 8 pages" by Parsec Productions. This game studio has recently announced the sequel called "Slender The Arrival", and it is currently only available for PC and Steam. Micro Slender is a simplified version of the original and is technically nowhere near it. The goal of the game remained the same: to find and collect a certain number of hidden messages before Slender-man finds you. Since everything went minimal in this micro version, so did the number of messages. It went from 8 to 5.

Besides the scary music background and loud footsteps (which always sound creepy anyway) this game is definitely not scary, nor can it parry the Scriptwelder's stories. At the beginning Slender-man doesn't show up at all so you can freely enter the house and walk around the woods. However, as soon as you find your first message your problems begin. After I've played this game for a while, I could conclude that the messages are always placed in the same spot, while Slendy is showing up randomly. I believe that in this game he has the power of teleportation.

About the author
Absolute 8 Studio is relatively small and young game development company with its headquarters in Chicago Illinois.
BadEverDayXD :
süleymander :d
MC Jefukira :
I got the one page and then I died, Haha XD
DianaTheDemon :
I had gotten 3 but then died XD
Good job, I like this game. Its almost like the actual game.
thecrazyone :
i only gotten 4 then 5 a couple of times cx
i like this game
SpoopzMasterPinky :
hiis soooo coool
Jale Woods :
it annoys me that as soon as u find the first page MrSlender just starts to chase you
not scary but i love how it looks, so mb i`ll play this one more time
cordelia :
Slender's got like these lil spaghetti arms I'm dead xD
ChrimyZ2D :
i must have some terrible skills, i only get 3 pages in this game and made so many attempts to find the last two XD
good game though
\ ( ^ o ^ ) /
cordelia :
Love the lil red bow tie though lol
cordelia :
Kinda cute actually! First time through and I was SO CLOSE. I had 4/5 and was in sight of the fifth when he caught me. :(
Scientist :
Very nice pixel-art slender game.5 stars
serialzero :
YES! I finally found all five pages! Sadly, it seems the "no escape" ending is a common theme with Slenderman games. *sighs heavily*
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
I really love this game.
scary_kid :
hey mr. Slendy.
Nice game, better than some HD games
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Thanks for the information @serialzero.
serialzero :
It was made by Bakariboss on Newgrounds.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Who is the developer of this game?Scriptwelder?
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
1st try found 1 page
2nd found 4 pages.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
The map is just like the 8 pages.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Hey,That's not scary.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
no no no no no no.....
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
I'm gonna play this game.(Scared face)
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Cute_But_Scary Really?
KevShin007 :
cute character
Creepyalex :
Pixelated Slender game. Oh well...not so bad, I suppose.
cute_but_scary :
the girl in the pic is me :)
HellaRadKawaiiCat :
He found me before my first note. Q-Q
glitch36 :
this game sucks
Lord Legender :
THAT WAS KARP. i found all five pages, then he insta killed me, he wasnt even near me!
KevShin007 :
not zat difficult just keep[ moving
serialzero :
Simple, but fun. I never thought a Slender game could be so cute. XD
Good job, I like this game. Its almost like the actual game.
i like this game
not scary but i love how it looks, so mb i`ll play this one more time
good game though
\ ( ^ o ^ ) /