Shadow Tag
This is a game where you play a young man with a decidedly morbid look on his face, and you have to search for your car keys in maze areas.Shadow Tag
Shadow Tag
This is a game where you play a young man with a decidedly morbid look on his face, and you have to search for your car keys in maze areas. The first level looks decidedly pointless, but it is just a training mission to show you the aim of the game. You have to collect your keys without being caught by the ghost boy. It can get quite entertaining, and of what few graphics there are, the game-of-tag related ones are quite good. If you are caught by the fast moving ghost boy then you have to start the level again from your front door (aka the beginning of the level).
How to play
Use arrow keys to move.
sirenbloodcurse :
I hate this kids so much
I really like the guys animation when he gets possessed :v
Mileskorv :
How to Play this game?
maltheweebdemon :
Ughh I'm terrible at this... But regardless it's a great game
BadEverDayXD :
ım very wait ;-;
Shade :
They r so creepy XD I dont wanna play with them XD
MadGamer :
but it's nice anyway
Rose_Miku :
I completely suck at this game :( But, it's still fun XD <3 Rose Miku
thecrazyone :
i keep dying twice every round...i stopped at 4 cause i got hungry xD
but i really like this game
thecrazyone :
thecrazyone :
its halfway now...AND i see it slowly loading-coommmee oonnn
thecrazyone :
...waiting for this game to load which would take centuries...
SpoopzMasterPinky :
it has absolutely no tags
SpoopzMasterPinky :
this game is spoopy scary skeletons(a.k.a. spooky in a fun way)
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
This game is adorable in a spooky way, but that's just me. :^} It gets a bit difficult and you might have to keep retrying a level to figure out a good strategy to proceed, but that's what keeps me on end to keep playing. LOVE it!
antisepticeye :
no this game i hate it it will give you nightmares
cordelia :
Those suckers are fast! xD
cordelia :
Haha I love the face he makes at the end, reminds me of Coraline.
cordelia :
Brilliant game! :D
scary_kid :
It's kinda cool but why would someone live in a maze? :D
CockroachVomit :
It was definitely challenging (and I was only playing on Relaxed mode), and the graphics were very beautiful (albeit sparse) which is a huge plus in my book. The gameplay was pretty boring and didn't keep me playing for more than 5 levels, but I'm not as much of a strategy fan as I am of games with substance and story. Definitely one of the better ones, though.
Scientist :
This game was actually good enough for me. It was pretty unique i think. Worth trying even tho it is more strategy than horror.★★★★★
Daedra :
this game is not okei but this is okei
serialzero :
I have to agree with z0mb13t0x1n, a run button would definitely have come in handy. You have to maintain such a huge distance from them, and there really isn't that much space to maneuver to begin with. XP
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
I getting bored.I don't wanna play anymore.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
I'm here again for the happy face.
serialzero :
Just can't seem to get past level 4. They box you in near the area with the keys. XD
Nonnahs1998 :
I Give This Game 8.5/10 its okay and quite a challenge for newer gamers so thats my score
HellaRadKawaiiCat :
Very simple game with basic graphics. Its fun to play and isn't hard for anyone to play.
KevShin007 :
I mean pixelated
mishimazeus :
so Hard in Level 3
KevShin007 :
cartoon graphic still scary
Baboonman305 :
Is this a good game or what!
the_unloner763 :
hey hey hey its tu mama ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
Haunted :
Scary! ; _ ;
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
zOmb13tox1n,you're right.
z0mb13t0x1n :
Might had been better if when they spotted you, that you had a way to run and not just walk like a snail, that kind of ruined it for me.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Scarecrow :
This is fun. Haha
Creepyalex :
Creepy and adorable at the same time.
mimimomaan :
This is Hilarious.
JaneTheKiller :
but it's nice anyway
but i really like this game