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Monster Basement - Point And Click Escape

Monster Basement - Point And Click Escape
A simple premise: you're locked in a house, and a monster is going to come eat you.
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Monster Basement - Point And Click Escape

Monster Basement - Point And Click Escape

A simple premise: you're locked in a house, and a monster is going to come eat you. Monster Basement is a point and click horror series by Armor Games. There are 2 parts.

You have to escape, though it may involve some drastic measures.

This one really cranks up the ambiance with sound effects and visuals, and each installment's climax requires you to think fast or perish.

Best of all, though, is the unexpected twist ending of episode 1.

So, how to play this game? It's best to check video walkthrough because there's too many details of where to click and what to do.

Monster Basement Walkthrough

ChochiPROChochiPRO : the 2nd is way better and calming and when the butcher is cutting the eyedopple, it is tasty while watching it... Yum!

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : meh

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : lol

thecrazyonethecrazyone : this game was spooky...I LIKE IT xD

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : how... pleaseant...a screwdriver with an eye on it... SPOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scary_kidscary_kid : well, this was okay. the end is kinda nice.

cordeliacordelia : The ending was actually kind of sweet! Nice twist on the classic escape room idea, too. The part with the limited reaction time definitely made it more interesting. :)

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-07-29, 14:14
    the 2nd is way better and calming and when the butcher is cutting the eyedopple, it is tasty while watching it... Yum!

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-11-17, 18:57

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 10:59

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 01:06
    this game was spooky...I LIKE IT

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-04-12, 11:12
    how... pleaseant...a screwdriver with an eye on it...


  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2016-04-09, 12:24
    well, this was okay. the end is kinda nice.

  • avatar
    cordelia (2950) - 2016-04-04, 23:32
    The ending was actually kind of sweet! Nice twist on the classic escape room idea, too. The part with the limited reaction time definitely made it more interesting. :)

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