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Killer Escape 3

Killer Escape 3
Are you sure you want to enter the darkness again in Killer Escape 3?
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Killer Escape 3

Are you sure you want to enter the darkness again in Killer Escape 3? You've made it through 2 serial killers, thanks to your skills or maybe even luck. The question is, will you have the strength and the guts to confront another serial killer, or whoever or whatever is watching you from the dark? Killer Escape 3: Intro

What is Killer Escape 3 about?

This is typical point and click game in which you're searching for an exit. The storyline is spiced up with some horror elements, because there's an unknown serial killer at your back. At least that was the case in previous 2 sequels of this series. Most of the time you are solving puzzles and searching for clues, that will eventually get you to the exit. Story closely matches the sci-fi horror genre. Action takes place on a spaceship or some research station where you get to meet very strange alien-looking creatures. You will get involved in a case of DNA experiments and genetic research on humans. Killer Escape 3: jumpscare scene

Who is the author of Killer Escape?

The author is an indie developer from the UK, called "Si", or "Psi" who is specialized in horror point and click games. He is known for his website called 'psionic games'. He's been working on this game for the past 6 months or so.

When was this game published

The game has been released (beta) a couple of weeks ago (14th of June 2014).

Earlier Versions Of Killer Escape

There are two previous versions of this game:

Killer Escape 1 (you get the serial killer killed in a water boiler explosion)

Killer Escape 2 (you get to meet 'tooth fairy' serial killer)

What are other games of Psionic Games?

There are many of them. I will mention those found on

Being One, Being One Episode 4, Being One Episode 5, Ghostscape, Ghostscape 2, Urbex

How scary is this game?

Well, not really. After the initial jumpscare which occurs when you meat the first 'alien' while stepping inside the research zone, most of the time you're concentrated on solving puzzles. Alien looking creatures are not really scary. Many players agree upon the conclusion that this sequel could have been easily marked as another 'Being One' sequel and not really a kind of game from Killer Escape series. I mean - who's the killer around here?

Where can I find Killer Escape 4?

You can't. It doesn't exist yet, and most likely it won't be made in near future as these games are being made by only one man. Perhaps next year.

System requirements

Nothing specific. This is flash file (not Unity) so all you need is a flash player which usually comes integrated (pre-installed) on most browsers. The game is only 8MB in size. On an average network speeds it would take less than 30 seconds to load.

Killer Escape 3 Screenshots

Killer Escape 3: lab zone Killer Escape 3: lab zone


ChochiPROChochiPRO : My nostalgic games.. Killer Escape 1/2/3. I wish i could escape from Bulgaria like this man who is in the game

JasonBergJasonBerg : Very fun. Love their games!!

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ...

thecrazyonethecrazyone : ehhh.....

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : what do you do with the red light buttons thing at beginning sorry I'm confused

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : I'm obsessed with aliens and I must say, this is the best alien-themed game I've ever played- The cut scenes were amazing. *-* Aaagh, I wish there were more games like this with extraterrestrials in them. <3

ninja-chibininja-chibi : This series in just pure genius. I absolutely love it!! The font in number 3 was a little difficult to read but the game was amazing none the less. I cannot wait for part 4!!

DarciJDarciJ : This series is freakin awesome. I can't wait until the 4th one

Priestess XyrryPriestess Xyrry : HAHA. i made it :D

cordeliacordelia : Awesome! Finally fixed the glitch and beat it. Great game. :3

cordeliacordelia : I love this series and really want to finish the game, but some of the items I need don't appear in my inventory when I pick them up. Is anyone else having this problem? :/

LaughingOtterLaughingOtter : This series just keeps getting better and better! Psionic is definitely one of the more gifted game creators I've seen!

scary_kidscary_kid : Good one, killer time, deff :)

serialzeroserialzero : These guys really know how to make an escape game. I managed to finish without using the green key somehow, but oh well. I'm not going to complain. I had a lot of fun. XD

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : the jump scares man !!!!!! they are horrifying 0_0

ScarecrowScarecrow : Another killer escape game that makes me nervous...must be to do with the aliens and the probing. o_o'

mishimazeusmishimazeus : This game is so easy

tay_Gtay_G : easy peasy!!

Silent KillerSilent Killer : You should play this!

Masterblaster12Masterblaster12 : I can imagine everything but not aliens

ScarecrowScarecrow : I liked this one.

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2021-05-08, 15:08
    My nostalgic games.. Killer Escape 1/2/3. I wish i could escape from Bulgaria like this man who is in the game

  • avatar
    JasonBerg (890) - 2019-02-25, 00:58
    Very fun. Love their games!!

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 14:08

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-04-29, 23:05

  • avatar
    Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2017-01-14, 17:07
    what do you do with the red light buttons thing at beginning
    sorry I'm confused

  • avatar
    ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ (2326) - 2016-10-31, 10:49
    I'm obsessed with aliens and I must say, this is the best alien-themed game I've ever played- The cut scenes were amazing. *-* Aaagh, I wish there were more games like this with extraterrestrials in them. <3

  • avatar
    ninja-chibi (98) - 2016-05-10, 12:20
    This series in just pure genius. I absolutely love it!! The font in number 3 was a little difficult to read but the game was amazing none the less. I cannot wait for part 4!!

  • avatar
    DarciJ (150) - 2016-05-04, 14:06
    This series is freakin awesome. I can't wait until the 4th one

  • avatar
    Priestess Xyrry (178) - 2016-03-04, 02:24
    HAHA. i made it :D

  • avatar
    cordelia (2950) - 2016-02-02, 23:22
    Awesome! Finally fixed the glitch and beat it. Great game. :3

  • avatar
    cordelia (2950) - 2016-01-28, 22:39
    I love this series and really want to finish the game, but some of the items I need don't appear in my inventory when I pick them up. Is anyone else having this problem? :/

  • avatar
    LaughingOtter (195) - 2015-09-20, 13:12
    This series just keeps getting better and better! Psionic is definitely one of the more gifted game creators I've seen!

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-01-16, 13:18
    Good one, killer time, deff :)

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