I miss you
I miss you is evidently a kind of horror game which tries to revive the glory of the old point and click 'Horror House' series.I miss you
I miss you
I miss you is evidently a kind of horror game which tries to revive the glory of the old point and click 'Horror House' series. If you ever played The Horror House and The House 2 you'll know what I am talking about.
I've spotted the game on GameJolt where it showed up first, and to be honest I wasn't sure about whether I should put it on dark horror games. Yet the lack of good horror and the fact that Markiplier did a video review of it, made me change my mind. He called this 'horror comedy', which is perhaps a little excessive, as the game is not that bad. There's also a part 2, which I am going to also publish here.

The story goes like this: a guy gets killed in a car accident, so his wife decides to commit suicide two days later. The house they used to live in gets haunted, people started to report all kinds of weired sounds and activities, but nobody had guts to get inside and check out what was going on there. I guess this is where you come in.

If you'd like to squeeze the maximum of horror out of this game, I suggest you not to watch Markiplier's video first, because he did it in a funny way. Anyway, just like in House 1 and House 2, first you get inside a room, and than you're supposed to find clickable items and click on them rapidly until something happens. Every room usually ends up with a jumpscare and than you move on to a next room until you finish the 'game'. And that's about it.
author: rx-games, ramy sabah
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
im going back in time
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
This game is fucking scary- I LIKE IT
RyeRaze :
Sooo.. I clicked on this game not knowing of Markiplier's video nor reading the description. Joke's on me. This "game" is terrible, predictable and just plain dumb.
Couldn't even jumpscare right. I'm serious. xD
Mileskorv :
Damn, This Scared Me Shitless. now i can't sleep...
Mewla :
The game just isn't good. It's very short and there is nothing to do than to click on the same things again and again until a jumpscare appears, which repeats for 3 times.
Rose_Miku :
This game actually makes me laugh. Heads up, developer, try not to make anymore games like I Miss you and I Miss You Too(2). They're terrible(LOL).
~Rose Miku
kalli_tp :
I played it at midnight.. and my house's scary at night I don't even know how I fell asleep after that xD
BadEverDayXD :
jayceemariee :
sooo stuppiiddd. short and boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
rzc :
bad game
thecrazyone :
i remember playing this... so many jumpescares thou... ;-;
ill just sleep with the lights on, again
XxMetalheadLonerxX :
so many jumpscsares....omg....im scared af...of her f screaingggggg
rebeccabridget :
it was ok
UnicornFarts :
This game kinda sucks. Not scary at ALL
angeltheherovampire :
Not the best game, the audio wasn't really good, Could have been better, Needs more effort.
elcano :
boring :|
sunilpokhriyal :
Nice Game But I like I Miss You 2 better than this.
Anyway Here is my gameplay video on this game.
Hope you guys enjoy this video.If you do please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my youtube channel.
LjubljanaHC :
First, poor English (or poor translations) is a great way to sink an otherwise good game. It is distracting and makes me not take it serious.
The graphics are fine and the choices effective, but as far as "gameplay" I really resent these being called "games" as you just click around enough until you move to the next area.
There is no real challenge.
Buttercup :
Whew,them jumpscares thing gave me a heart attack!
youtilla :
god that was terroible
k1ttyluver :
I like the eerie photographic layout but having to click repetitively on the same item to produce a ' jump scare ' took the scare out of it. Maybe a little more variety or more things to click on would make it more of a challenge.
cordelia :
Ohhh there's a walkthrough in the game info. Markiplier to the rescue! Sorry guys, I'm dumb. XD
cordelia :
Like seriously I don't know what else to click on or in what order. If any of y'all have figured that out an explanation or a hint or something would be MUCH appreciated. ;D
cordelia :
@LayX Meeeee toooooo! Ugh. :P
LayX :
I'm struck in the stinkin' bathroom -.-
serialzero :
Maybe this is what the game's creator thinks American horror is like, and they actually wouldn't be that far off. There are a lot of garbage jump-scare horror movies being cranked out here too. -__-
Silent Killer :
boring -.-
CockroachVomit :
This is a train wreck. I think it was made as a joke... it HAD to be. Every single thing about this game is cheap and boring.
... Now I'm going to play the sequel, which will undoubtedly be the same game with different generic visuals and jump scares.
JaneTheKiller :
This game is boring . -_-
frostbitejo7 :
Not a fan. It's short, there's no puzzle-solving involved (you just click on the only clickable items repeatedly until you are jumpscared), and it's really not scary, though getting screamed at was annoying.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Well This game didn't get me XD.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Don't tell meh something will pop out from the screen.....
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Hmm seems similar to the House.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Hi guys I am back.
Daedra :
only 3 stars o.o
Fullchicken :
not bad 3 stars
dark :
I hope you won't mind but soon you will have a chance to check out I miss you part 2
dark :
I absolutely agree with you guys, and wish there are more good flash games (better than this one). my idea is to show here what's been released lately while you'll be the judge whether it's good or not.
serialzero :
This isn't so much a point-and-click as it is a "click on whatever's clickable over and over again until you get a jump scare". There needs to be more interaction and puzzle-solving.
Joseph Kay :
2 stars for me... not a very good game,
and the repeated scream of the woman sucks.
Creepyalex :
I believe we are used to far scarier games, and this one sadly, doesn't live up to our expectations
Mira795 :
1 star. This game sucked. -_-
KevShin007 :
haha dafuk
hamidcore :
this not scary.
scary_kid :
weren't * sorry, my bad :D
scary_kid :
One jumpscare at the end of the game, the others wasnt working for me. 3stars, could be better.
Scientist :
First comment yeah! Very nice game because of the screams and jumpscares.Good enough for 5 stars and worth a favorite.Can't wait for the sequel.
Couldn't even jumpscare right. I'm serious. xD
~Rose Miku
ill just sleep with the lights on, again