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I miss you 2

I miss you 2
Do you dare to enter the house where family of 4 died?
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I miss you 2

Do you dare to enter the house where family of 4 died? Some say mother was demonic, so she might be responsible for the death of the others. My conviction is that this game is not scary, but more like weird. Most of the time I didn't know what or why I was doing there? Would love to hear your through down in comments. living room

This version, same as the part 1 was made by Ramy Sabah from RX Games, and it has been released this February 2015. As we all know, the first part didn't do well at all. Actually it received some really bad comments and some low ratings on

Let's see if this will change in part 2.

The game resembles to horror House series, but according to the author it is not related to it in any way. It is obvious where the inspiration came from but the author tried to explicitly stay unrelated to the original, probably to avoid being accused of plagiarism.

While writing the previous review, I made a statement that this is a point and click game. Some people here have correctly noted that this is not really the case. Just pointing your mouse and clicking all around not necessarily makes a game point and click, not unless all that clicking has some meaning, which is not really the case here. The idea with all the clicking in this mini-series is to trigger some jumpscaring event that will hopefully frighten the player. The problem with this concept is that once you experience the first jumpscare, from that moment on,you will constantly expecting for another jumpscare, which when finally happens, will naturally loose some of it's intensity. In scary maze games, your first scare is also the last one. I mean, who would normally fall for the same trick twice.

image of I miss you 2 horror game bathroom

Video Review by Luigikid Gaming


MileskorvMileskorv : Now i can't Sleep once again

Angelica_AngelAngelica_Angel : The only thing that scares me is how this game got on a scary game website.

Rose_MikuRose_Miku : This one also sucks, but at least it's (slightly) better than the first one. But developer, you either need to stop making games or get better at making them cause this is tragic... ~Rose Miku

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : also the jumpscares are crap

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : Overall, this game is just a perpetual cycle of clicking on something to make something happen, so you could click something else to make another thing happen. Not very savory. (don't mind me saying savory I'm just weird.) Anyway, I do not recommend playing this, unless you are severely bored and have nothing better to do with your life, like me.

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : this game pretty much sucks but a the same time, i respect the h3ll out of it bc it was like, the first horror game i played ever?

grahamjograhamjo : this game was awesome

animeloverforever123animeloverforever123 : well then

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : :/

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : this game is fun and entertai...zzzzzzz (fell asleep from boredom)

Rose_MikuRose_Miku : This game is hilarious to me, just like the first one! Keep making me laugh.~ <3 Rose Miku

MemeKitty16MemeKitty16 : graphics are wonderful although i do wish it was scary overall i quite enjoyed the game ~

thecrazyonethecrazyone : it could be better but the game was, decent =)

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : you can make village music in the kitchen shelf-shelf-oven-oven

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : have you noticed? the first game could be someone saying 'i miss you' and then the sequel is a response of someone saying 'I miss you too!'(2 sounds exactly the same as too)

xCessxCess : how can i play this game? where should i start?

XxMetalheadLonerxXXxMetalheadLonerxX : i sceamed...all oslo city comed to mmy house to see what happened---im from Norway

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : Awe- I thought it was gonna be scarier than the last... :'^}

sunilpokhriyalsunilpokhriyal : Hello guys I have started a horror game series.From now every Saturday i will play a horror game.This game is my first episode. Here is my gameplay link.Hope you enjoy and show your support. Thank you

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : Then ghost jump-scares didn't scare me But good game :D

xkcszxkcsz : Poor jumpscares, only scary for kids...

ninja-chibininja-chibi : horribly planned jumpscares, not very good gameplay at all

shootupsatanshootupsatan : meh

kaushik00001kaushik00001 : Noob game !

cordeliacordelia : Better graphics than the last one, at least!

MarcelinoMarcelino : jump scare, LOL

DarkAngel1999DarkAngel1999 : But it didn't scare me as bad as the 1st one. :(

DarkAngel1999DarkAngel1999 : It scared the living daylights out of me! :)

ashley the girl 1279ashley the girl 1279 : i now that i not much points but i now that nothing scary is on this game

MSKONMSKON : omg my heart lol

JaneTheKillerJaneTheKiller : I thought it will be better than the first one. I was wrong.

DaedraDaedra : only two jumscares take me :D

hamidcorehamidcore : fake

KevShin007KevShin007 : huhu

FullchickenFullchicken : the first part was better

Mira795Mira795 : A little better than the first but still bad. :/

Joseph KayJoseph Kay : I played the first part and i didnt like it. Im playing the second part, and guess what? I don t like it.

serialzeroserialzero : Still the same old repetitive click-until-you-get-a-jump-scare formula, but this one had much better visuals, sound effects, and atmosphere. I'll give it three stars. XD

scary_kidscary_kid : lol, @Vampire same here :D

D3RK_KNIGHTD3RK_KNIGHT : while playing this game i sleep

scary_kidscary_kid : The problem's not scary at all :/ ★★

ScientistScientist : First comment again yeah!But why do i like this low rated game so much and the first part too?I don't get it.★★★★★

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-11, 15:07

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    Mileskorv (258) - 2020-04-05, 09:20
    Now i can't Sleep once again

  • avatar
    Angelica_Angel (129) - 2019-06-06, 18:24
    The only thing that scares me is how this game got on a scary game website.

  • avatar
    Rose_Miku (2391) - 2019-04-20, 14:58
    This one also sucks, but at least it's (slightly) better than the first one. But developer, you either need to stop making games or get better at making them cause this is tragic...

    ~Rose Miku

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-12-26, 09:03
    also the jumpscares are crap

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-12-26, 08:54
    Overall, this game is just a perpetual cycle of clicking on something to make something happen, so you could click something else to make another thing happen. Not very savory. (don't mind me saying savory I'm just weird.) Anyway, I do not recommend playing this, unless you are severely bored and have nothing better to do with your life, like me.

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-09-24, 22:13
    this game pretty much sucks but a the same time, i respect the h3ll out of it bc it was like, the first horror game i played ever?

  • avatar
    grahamjo (279) - 2018-09-15, 01:32
    this game was awesome

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    animeloverforever123 (154) - 2018-04-27, 14:46
    well then

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    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 17:33

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    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2018-01-21, 11:36
    this game is fun and entertai...zzzzzzz
    (fell asleep from boredom)

  • avatar
    Rose_Miku (2391) - 2017-09-16, 18:18
    This game is hilarious to me, just like the first one! Keep making me laugh.~ <3 Rose Miku

  • avatar
    MemeKitty16 (381) - 2017-08-17, 03:06
    graphics are wonderful although i do wish it was scary overall i quite enjoyed the game ~

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