House Pixel Art Horror Game
A girl lives locked inside alone in the house while the only friend she has is a doll.
House Pixel Art Horror Game
House Pixel Art Horror Game
A girl lives locked inside alone in the house while the only friend she has is a doll. She desperatly want to get out and meet someone. When the clock strikes midnight, 'daddy' gets home, holding a knife in his hand and than he stabs the girl to death.

I guess the idea is to do something to prevent this little girl's murder. Maybe she needs to kill everyone else. Not sure.

The game style is typical for point and click pixel-art horror games, low resolution and cool music effects.
- On your first night, just go back to sleep
- go out of room but watch out the spikes from the floor - DON'T STEP on the red carpet!!!
- night 3- pick up the kitty cat and take it to your room, give it to your doll and she will give you the gun in exchange
- use the bear trap on big rat in the dark room at the bottom, and you'll get an axe this way
- with this axe you can break through the door to get to the room where another girl is kept

I couldn't figure out how to beat the game. If anyone knows how, please leave a comment.
CheezusChrist :
You can get three different endings, idk if you need the shotgun but y'all can try. There's the genocide ending when u kill everone and make dad proud. And The good ending where the sister plays the flute and lifts the curse. And the ending where u use the beartrap on dad and then you use the axe on him. U gotta use the bear trap twice bc his head will follow u around
YaBoyLaray :
Me likes dis game but we need it to be harder
spoopybirbb :
lol what's with that pink thing in the toilet that tells you to kill them all??
BadEverDayXD :
parsnip :
then use them on him in that order
parsnip :
finally found a way to kill the dad. get the bear trap, gun, and axe. T
MittensDun :
Found an easy way to beat it!!!
-First Night: go back to sleep
~~Next day Wake up go directly to the kitchen and get the bear trap,
-take it to the bottom left room, kill the rat and get the axe
-go directly across the room to the bathroom and kill the zombie thing
-go to the boarded up door and break the wood off
-talk to the girl when the lights go off she she doesn't step on the spiked carpet, time kinda stops and daddy doesn't come home
MittensDun :
Fun Game! I really loved it, it was easy to beat!
Creepyalex :
Gosh I love pixelated games! This one is quite morbid but what did you expect from a horror game, it has it's charm tho.
kkk_73 :
forget it
You just have to kill the girl
kkk_73 :
I like it..It makes me nervous.XD
All you have to do is kill the cat and then break the door and talk to the girl in the room until the girl goes to the bathroom and then the girl will die there and finally the father will not kill his daughter.
Alice Angel :
when the father came house and you've tried to ran away from him but it's too late...
thecrazyone :
how do u even win thou
Miss no name :
Is there even a way to win???
SpoopzMasterPinky :
dad:hey honey! im home!
daughter:hi da..
oops i just said btch.. fk..
oh sht i just said fk...
oh fk i just said sht...
joomwalkies :
i finished the game such a happy ending tho i killed the cat
joomwalkies :
i keep dying damit
joomwalkies :
i killed the cat sister rat and toilet monster then i died lol
Darkundertale :
GrEEk :
my dark mind i guess..killing my sister wasnt a great idea after all :P
GrEEk :
awwwww thats the cutest little horror game i have ever seen..<3 at first i thought you should kill everyone but that endindg is just sweet :3
darkdros221 :
its good
deadman635gr :
Get Rekt Sis i killed you and Mr.Cat mhumhumhamahmaham
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
Scientist :
I love how savage the girl is. She's not afraid or cries when using bear traps and axes. I accidentally killed the cat though when testing if I could kill the father with the trap :( I noticed I can break the door free and almost attacked the sister, but first dropped the axe. I noticed the toilet monster did have a meaning. It was short. The music and "fatalities" were good though. Just wish it wasn't so short. 4/5
khasys :
Porra eu to com o pau muito duro
cordelia :
Not a very complicated plot, but the little girl is so cute! I love how she swings her arms when she walks. cx
idek1234 :
To win: pick up the cat and give it to the doll, leave the gun and go pick up the bear trap. After that kill the rat with the trap and pick up the axe (same room as rat) go kill the creature in the bathroom with the axe then go to the boarded room, use the axe on it and go in the room then follow your sister.
Cheesomi :
When you free your sister she says thank you daddy boarded me in here, she walks out and ur daddy walks in killing you... then you realise your sister dosent care
Cheesomi :
Aww the girl is so adorab... OMG SHE GOT KILLED BY THE CARPET!
Cheesomi :
I LOVE IT! but how to beat the game?
dark :
than I did it wrong. one of the first things I was doing was getting an axe and killing the sister with it :)
scary_kid :
cute game. I needed some time to figure it out but it's easy and very short.
You need to kill those bad creatures and free your sister. The ending is lovely :) everyone's happy (I guess) :)
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
That must been a short game to me
but easy xD
xrhstaras :
This is the easiest game ever !
You need to kill that creature in toilet and free your sister from the boarded door.It has a happy end
dark :
how to beat this game?
-First Night: go back to sleep
~~Next day Wake up go directly to the kitchen and get the bear trap,
-take it to the bottom left room, kill the rat and get the axe
-go directly across the room to the bathroom and kill the zombie thing
-go to the boarded up door and break the wood off
-talk to the girl when the lights go off she she doesn't step on the spiked carpet, time kinda stops and daddy doesn't come home
You just have to kill the girl
All you have to do is kill the cat and then break the door and talk to the girl in the room until the girl goes to the bathroom and then the girl will die there and finally the father will not kill his daughter.