Geist - Escape the death game
Geist means ghost, and the little boy's task is to chase the ghosts away, find the key and escape the death.
Geist - Escape the death game
Geist - Escape the death game
Geist means ghost, and the little boy's task is to chase the ghosts away, find the key and escape the death.
I've played this game a while a go and now I decided to go back and upload it to darkhorrorgames. The thing is, I couldn't really remember what it was about but the tune, I recalled that one in a second. The game music is so catchy, spooky and repeating that you will remember it probably until the rest of your life.

The game itself is not bad. It's a classic escape game about a little boy trapped inside a dark room, who are looking for a room key to get out and escape before his mom returns home. Mom is bad, she's probably an alcoholic or something, giving the poor boy a really hard time. Instead of playing out with friends, he's stuck inside this room with toys and books. The boy needs friends.
And it's not just the mom. There's a tall dark creature observing him for a while. All these things make a little boy not just sad, but scared too. He needs to get away as soon as possible. Your job is to click certain things in a certain order until the boy finds the key.
Doing all that in a timely manner is a must because if you fail to find the key before the mom returns home, the boy dies !???! Yeah, strange part.
This is the exact steps you must undertake in order to solve the game. First, make sure the lights are off and play with your toys for a while. Then, turn on the TV, click the aquarium, click on the picture with a cat on the wall, letter blocks, pills, check out the coloring book, and finally read something from the diary. The thing is that the key will show up underneath the shaded piece on the floor. Pick up the key and you're free to go. I'm not really a fan of games like this, simply because of the fact how the hell could you know what to do and in what order to make certain things happen. It's not like there's a logical order of actions you would normally try in a real life. Reading through a diary book to get the key is not what you'd normally expect.
There's a couple of video walkthroughs of this game available on YT, and here's one of them:
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
oh wooow the music all creepy
ChochiPRO :
and blind
ChochiPRO :
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
silentlovers :
the button... i did not thing it would do something bad...
spoopybirbb :
KittensAreEvil :
Not a bad game, took a few tries to figure it out.
Joseph Kay :
cordelia :
It took me a while to figure out what order to click all the items in but I like the art and the storyline a lot!
BadEverDayXD : horror there are games
maltheweebdemon :
Took me a few tries to win. Love the story line. Poor kid
BadEverDayXD :
XxCuTiE14xX :
It's like Happy Death Day but this is a different story and it's a game. Repeat all the things you have not tried and in the end you will find the answer.
BadEverDayXD :
shadow stupid rlly
insxcurity :
7/10 took me multiple tries
HorrorIsLife :
ME: *drinks the soap*
GAME: What's wrong with you??
ME: Well i was going to die anyways
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
*figures it out* Oh.. It's such a short game, if it was longer I would love it even more. xD
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
*uses a needle and the buttons* *instantly dies*
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
i keep dying AAAA
Marieshayy :
how do you beat this game lol ahhhhh
Rose_Miku :
I did a death/suicide run.......the horror is real X3 ~Rose Miku
Creepyalex :
I'm glad to see more uploads :)
Interesting one, the style is simple yet grasping. It reminds me of Five Nights at Freddy’s in a way.
scary_kid :
this was ok :) hope to see more games on here because this still is my favorite site to play creepy games :)
Psychosocial :
10/10 Awesome One Dude ;3
dark :
thanks for the support. I am still here with you guys :)
thecrazyone :
i kept dieing an i dont know how to beat dis....
but i wike the game!
Rose_Miku :
Yay! I beat the game! <3 Rose Miku
Rose_Miku :
This game is pretty cool, I really like it, keep up the good work! <3 Rose Miku
dark :
hope there are more horror games. will search through the Internet to get some new ones. If you know of some, plz let me know ! Dark
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ (2326) - 2020-11-22, 03:08oh wooow the music all creepy
ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-12, 12:26and blind
ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-12, 12:25dumb
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ (2326) - 2019-08-08, 09:00SPOOKY!
silentlovers (57) - 2019-05-14, 14:35the button... i did not thing it would do something bad...
spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-10-22, 22:04oof
KittensAreEvil (207) - 2018-09-20, 03:32Not a bad game, took a few tries to figure it out.
Joseph Kay (1087) - 2018-07-03, 20:06nah...
cordelia (2950) - 2018-06-05, 23:38It took me a while to figure out what order to click all the items in but I like the art and the storyline a lot!
BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-04-12, 14:41 horror there are games
maltheweebdemon (642) - 2018-03-31, 02:28Took me a few tries to win. Love the story line. Poor kid
BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-24, 10:00yus
XxCuTiE14xX (14) - 2018-03-23, 23:46It's like Happy Death Day but this is a different story and it's a game. Repeat all the things you have not tried and in the end you will find the answer.