In this game, you are put in a first person view and you have to explore a haunted house.Eyes
In this game, you are put in a first person view and you have to explore a haunted house. To say that it is a first person game, the graphics are not terrible, even though it is an online game. The good graphics and slightly elevated game play may be due to its overly long loading time. It is not recommended that you play this game if you are paying for pay-as-you-go Internet. You can also run, and jump, which is novel, as few online games allow you to jump with a first person view. It is a well-designed game that has a nice audio track that makes the game a little spookier.
- WASDmove
- hold shift to run while moving
- Space to jump
- MActivate map on / off
- Pmenu/pause
- Qghost vision
- release the mouse
ChochiPRO :
aaand i finally won this game for the 1st time
ChochiPRO :
not the soundtrack, the actual object, that piano has the same letters from Undead Isle
ChochiPRO :
hey! Isn't that piano from Undead Isle?
ChochiPRO :
4 stars.. I know this game since 2015 and i didn't played it cuz im scared
now ill have to try
BadEverDayXD :
thecrazyone :
i played this game on my tablet an it wasnt the full version, cause i didnt wanna buy it
but the game was scary >~<
an her face thou! shes headless!!...an floating...
Joseph Kay :
Also, Android version graphics are better for me. Just my opinion.
Joseph Kay :
One of the best horror games I have ever played.
If someone finds a utility for the candle room please tell me.
SpoopzMasterPinky :
eyes are defined as the body parts of the human beiing which allow him to see the enviroment.eyes are one of the most important body parts of the human,even though they're not vital.
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
i had 11 bags, i almost got all Lol
Mandeh :
I got 11 bags
Mandeh :
Wow.. Ofcourse my stupid ass would run towards the floating nightmare
Mandeh :
Flippin cheeseturds that first time i got caught was terrifing
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
-tries to collect 20 bags until i got caught-
monster :
I love this game :D
Mira795 :
5 stars! Love this game. Probably my absolute favorite on this site. It's so fast paced & challenging. I've only been able to beat it once so I love that it's not an easy & cheap quality game.
monster :
i scated this game ?!
scary_kid :
when it says RUN I'm already dead :D
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
My adblock plus acting weird again.It's blocking adds but everything is mixing up.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
But I was saying him not to play this one.'cause I saw the snapshot and it didn't seems right(I was the eldest) .Anyway he played.At 1st jump scare he almost stood up and uninstall the game.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
I can remember how did I know about this game.My younger cousin brother was searching for a horror game.Because my other cousins were forcing him.it's very fun to play games with friends or siblings.
AbbySlender :
God! Dx
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Ugh!Ms UFO stop killing me.I'm just here for money.Not for killing you!
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
One more thing,if my methods don't work,don't be mad at me.'Cause I beat this game on that way.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
1.first go to the upstairs and collect money bags.
2.Then go to basement and then ground floor.
3.Don't use Ghost vision!(If you have no choice,you can use.But only one.
4.Try to walk by the doors.
5.Use headphone in medium volume.Try to hear and understand everything.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Okay I found some methods to beat this game.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
She has nice long hair anyway.:D
serialzero :
I remember playing this game on my old Android. Seems they vamped up the graphics and made the ghost a lot scarier. Controls are a little frustrating as far as running through doors goes. Seems way too easy to get hooked on blind corners and screw yourself over. Still pretty good though.
mishimazeus :
This Game Is Harder Than I Though :(
serialzero :
Check the link bar on the upper right side of your screen. Your browser may be blocking the plug-in. I had the same problem running a few of the Unity games on here, but once I clicked on the puzzle piece icon and unblocked the plug-in, all of them ran just fine. ^_^
dark :
@whitewolfviolet if it won't open than you probably don't have Unity player installed properly on your PC.
WhiteWolfViolet :
Violeta: I can't play it..it doesnt whant to open... Q~Q
cute_but_scary :
i just love this game |:)
HellaRadKawaiiCat :
This game was always the best to play on any system to be honest, but imagine playing it with an oculus rift. ;o
rainbowsgoboom :
Well it's a wee bit strange but good (:
rainbowsgoboom :
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
I've collected 13 bags out of 12 bags but I died!:(
Scarecrow :
Great game, and not just because I know the developer lol.
cute_but_scary :
the sudden appear of that ghost make go MAAAAD!!!
SmileDog :
I got so scared while playing. X)
monster :
i complete the game (casual)
monster :
i finish the game!
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Besides I didn't noticed that to save myself!
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
cute_but_scary :
really @RaisaAlim that UFO thing with esophagus and stomach scared me also
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
Truly,that UFO thing scared me!
cute_but_scary :
in my key board, sometimes its hard to press "S" key
cute_but_scary :
really that not funny when you're busted (by that half minded cut-off head with esophagus and intestine) :/
cute_but_scary :
hella scary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
cute_but_scary :
i love this game
AlelaGrora :
Awesome...i guess
KiraFalcon :
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
MINERNOLAN,glicth36,Creepyalex all of you are right.The monster is VERY unexpected.It's a great game.But they should change the monster.
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
oh my! it is some sort of scary.
awsomewarrior :
great game.
Creepyalex :
I fell out of bed when I first saw that floating head or whatever it is. I mean, it wasn't that creepy, it was just very unexpected.
jgamer20 :
great game but not as scary though
I agree with glitch36. They need to change the monster, a floating head will only startle someone for the first or second time playing. They need to make a monster more original, more than just a severed body part that floats and looks like a vampire. There's not even a story to this game, it's just a haunted house with some bags of money in it. Slenderman, on the other hand, is based off of this big Creepypasta story. They also need to get rid of the "RUN!" signal because when it comes up, we can't exactly see it yet because of the game's small render distance, and it gives away the total scare of it!
glitch36 :
a good game but they need to change the monster
glitch36 :
a fairly good game with good jump scares
now ill have to try
but the game was scary >~<
an her face thou! shes headless!!...an floating...
If someone finds a utility for the candle room please tell me.