Dreamgate Escape - Trip To Reality
You closed your eyes and fell asleep to be awaken on a mystic place at the Dreamgate's doors.
Dreamgate Escape - Trip To Reality
Dreamgate Escape - Trip To Reality
You closed your eyes and fell asleep to be awaken on a mystic place at the Dreamgate's doors. Is this a dream, or you are just going insane. Either way you will have to work on all puzzles to be able to escape back to reality. The opening scene with bloody cactus with bubbles popping out of it certainly adds up to the surreal environment. You are definitely inside a dream, hopefully.
"The moon, a delicate silver of ivory suspended in the night's embrace" - very poetic isn't it?

Let's try to break this game together.
First thing you want to do is to click on the building in distance. That's how you get to the 'gates of dream' or 'the Dreamgate'. While standing at the door with big sign above which reads 'Escape' look underneath the doormat. Check out the roman signs. Write them down or try to remember them: VIVIVI.
The locked door for which you believed it was a dead end, has a secret combination. Just enter '666' and you will get through.

This is how you get to the 'crossroad' with two doors. Don't read the writing on the right wall. I think this is how a monster shows up and kills you. Just choose the left door and proceed.

At the crossroad, click on the panel of eyes and than open the bottom left eye. Go back and than choose the left door. At this point, I really have no idea how anyone could know that they should pick the bottom left eye to continue. That's weird. Than you need to go to the left room and use the switch on far right. After that you get killed but that was the only way to open the next door in that room. so, now you need to go back from the start to this location in order to continue.

Basically the reading eyes are door has a literal meaning. Depending on the eyes combination, meaning which eye you select, different door is opened. And remember, don't try to read the writing on the right wall. Every time a monster will come and get you. The idea is to write down or to remember numbers painted in white along with 2 symbols in each room. You need to 'collect' 6 numbers this way.

The last steps you than need to undertake is to go to a room with marbles and switch them to correct positions. The door will open. Alarm clock should be set to 3:31. The alarm will wake you up and you will be able to walk through a portal of reality.
I was stuck with the purple orb, the one with the sign 'step back' as I got killed there each time I tried to pass through. Yet this guy on youtube seems to have solution.
All in all, the game is sooo hard. Either that or I am not that skillful when it comes to point and click escapes. There's no way I could have played this one to the end without looking at the walkthough video.
Dreamgate Escape Walkthrough
ChochiPRO :
Joseph Kay :
Entertaining, not the best tho
ghoulsiegoestohell :
Not sure what to think... :o/
Grim_Fade04 :
So easy, fun, and flat out cool!Although it could have been a little bit longer but other than that, I loved it!
Marni Paige :
Fun game. still curious of whats behind the sealed bloody door thhough
SpoopzMasterPinky :
dissapointing remake of groundhog day. Tanweer really gave up on this one.
spoopybirbb :
JasonBerg :
Fun little game. puzzles not too hard. A little surreal.
BadEverDayXD :
pachikey :
if you read this , you will die in trhee minutes . the time run .....
bewarefthesqueedge :
noice but really hard
Lesalyer9387 :
Not bad, but it was a tad too short :(
scary_kid :
Ok I woke up :)
nice game , short but fun
thecrazyone :
dis was scurry
cordelia :
This is such a good one! I like the creepy background music too.
SpoopzMasterPinky :
SpoopzMasterPinky :
dude, there are too many things to comment here.holy shit
SpoopzMasterPinky :
doors are eyes.eyes are dorrs.(insert pun here)
SpoopzMasterPinky :
eyes are doors.doors are eyes.im blind.i have no doors
SpoopzMasterPinky :
the cactus' name(in the beginning) is oliver.
scary_kid :
This is a pretty cool game. That monster freaked me out ... I should be less curious after all :D
SpoopzMasterPinky :
SpoopzMasterPinky :
nice game , short but fun