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Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak

Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak
While running from hordes of zombies, you and your friend Billy come across an old abandoned building.
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Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak

Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak

While running from hordes of zombies, you and your friend Billy come across an old abandoned building. It looks rather decrepit and unsafe, but unfortunately it is also the only, and thus the best place to take a break. The estimate is that zombies will get here by sundown, so it is necessary to explore the surroundings and find things to fortify the building and secure doors and windows. And yet, you have another problem. Billy has been bitten and infected...

If we compare Don't Escape 2: The Outbreak, to the original version, we will find that the story is much more complex, regardless the fact that here instead of werewolves we deal with zombies. Still the concept remains the same. This is so called anti-escape pixel art horror adventure. 'Anti escape' is a rather unique concept when it comes to point and click games. Instead of solving the puzzles with a goal to escape, leave the place, go free, the player here does the exact opposite, does everything in his power to stay inside, fortify even better and stop the enemy from getting in.

image of Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak: zombie from general store

The best indicator of how hard this situation is, is the survivor you find in the church nearby who is saying things like he had 'Lost his faith', 'There's no hope for us' and 'Just leave me here to die!' ...

How to play

image of Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak: children graffiti

Unlike in the first game the time here is limited. You have 8 hours to fortify the house and secure all entry and exit points until the zombies arrive. When you hover the mouse over the upper part of the screen an inventory shows up, which otherwise stays hidden. As far as navigation goes, it is typical for point and click games. You move amongst static screens using your mouse.


image of Don't Escape 2 - The Outbreak: church survivor

The goal of the game is to secure the entire building and every possible approach. That means setting the traps around the house, setting up the protective fence and locking all doors and windows. Each of these steps represents a small problem by itself, one puzzle so to speak. For example, if the gate is broken you'll have to find a spare wire fence. Generator is out of fuel and you need to find gas etc... I don't wish to reveal too many details...

image of Don't Escape 2: crash site

On the map you can see the building, which is your starting point towards other places, which are marked with a question mark at the beginning - until you visit them. You must take into an account that each visit to the nearby place is 'charged' for example 20 minutes, the amount of time it would take you to walk there. While visiting one of those places, the nearby store, you shall discover that there are other survivors (Jeremy) besides you and Billy. There you shall buy (or shall I say take) some groceries (including alcohol of course), and in the cellar you will, for the first time, see how the 'undead' really looks like... Especially interesting is the encouraging child made graffiti written on the wall in the street which says 'There is hope'! A visit to the gas station won't bring you much, since there is no gas, but on almost empty shelves you will find a bottle of water, some painkillers and batteries. Under these circumstances, every little bit counts...

  • part 1: Don't Escape 1
  • author: scriptwelder
  • game type: anti-escape, horror, point and click
  • similar games: Pixel Art

Dont Escape 2: The Outbreak Walkthrough

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : lol spoopybirb is a boomer

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : Dammit. Nobody is really that active on here. I found my comment bellow from September on here. This site is obviously dying, but i love it here. There's so many cool (and shitty sometimes) games on here that are all damn free. Plus, you don't have to watch videos before every game like every other horror game website. ): I also heard that point-and-click games are almost dead because nobody really likes computers/laptops as much. People only care about what's on their iphones nowadays. Ugh. Now I feel old. Bye, awkward silence

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : this is really challenging but i love apocalypse games <3

JasonBergJasonBerg : Very fun and tricky. Great game.

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ı love it 5 star

watch_outwatch_out : slightly boring... I beat it in like 10 minutes...

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : this is so amazing.Pixel art, Clever puzzles, you need to mind the time you have left,JUST AMAZING

thecrazyonethecrazyone : i really like this :D

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : and, it took 3 hours... not kidding. legit -.-

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : when i started playing, i had a deal with a friend. he would give me 20 dollars if i could beat it in like half an hour.I was sure i would win.

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : look, it's not bad AT fact, IT'S AWSWOOOOOOOOOMEEEEE!

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : and i didn't make it

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : this is actually easy to me

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : Yes, yes, YES! I love games like this! It being timed was a bit annoying at first to deal with when you first start out, but actually figuring out what to do and in the correct order, it works out. :P

kaushik00001kaushik00001 : I Like it !

cordeliacordelia : @CockroachVomit Exactly! Like I liked playing it, but the time factor was so annoying.

CockroachVomitCockroachVomit : This was a really fun game, but I didn't like the timed aspect of it. It did amp up the challenge level, for sure, and it was pretty well made for what it was.

serialzeroserialzero : Which part are you having trouble with, specifically? Or is it the game in general? It does have a little bit of a learning curve with the time management aspect.

JaneTheKillerJaneTheKiller : I can't figure it out. :(

scary_kidscary_kid : Don't escape 3 is released :) can't wait to play :)

scary_kidscary_kid : finally, everyone survived :D


KevShin007KevShin007 : playable

Gaia2007Gaia2007 : Love it, want more!!

manos_androsmanos_andros : gg2

orestis902orestis902 : gg

serialzeroserialzero : It wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be, but I agree that it was pretty intense nonetheless, and that they should definitely make more. X3

HellaRadKawaiiCatHellaRadKawaiiCat : A lot more intense than the previous one. They should make more of this title.:3

serialzeroserialzero : Crap. Failed my first attempt at getting the "no bullets fired" badge. I probably should have recruited Bernard for that. XD

scary_kidscary_kid : at least, one of my homies must die :D that's my case but it sounds pretty good to me, because I'm alive, yeii :D rofl

serialzeroserialzero : YES! Survived the night AND saved both Father Bernard and Jeremy. Now I have to figure out how to win the game without firing any bullets. XD

serialzeroserialzero : Ah, geez. I survived, but the priest and Jeremy both died. Gonna have to tighten up my strategy and do things in the right order. XD

serialzeroserialzero : I'm actually fairly nervous about starting this game. I keep hearing all of these comments in reviews and whatnot that say how much harder it is than the first one. XD

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Did anyone save the father and Jermery?

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Oh yes!This game!

scary_kidscary_kid : omg, its a difficult game...

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  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2019-11-02, 18:45
    lol spoopybirb is a boomer

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-12-23, 12:35
    Dammit. Nobody is really that active on here. I found my comment bellow from September on here. This site is obviously dying, but i love it here. There's so many cool (and shitty sometimes) games on here that are all damn free. Plus, you don't have to watch videos before every game like every other horror game website. ): I also heard that point-and-click games are almost dead because nobody really likes computers/laptops as much. People only care about what's on their iphones nowadays. Ugh. Now I feel old. Bye, awkward silence

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-09-24, 22:03
    this is really challenging but i love apocalypse games <3

  • avatar
    JasonBerg (890) - 2018-06-24, 21:14
    Very fun and tricky. Great game.

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 19:05
    ı love it 5 star

  • avatar
    watch_out (28) - 2017-11-20, 22:59
    slightly boring... I beat it in like 10 minutes...

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-05-04, 18:01
    this is so amazing.Pixel art, Clever puzzles, you need to mind the time you have left,JUST AMAZING

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-04-29, 23:09
    i really like this

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-03-05, 13:30
    and, it took 3 hours... not kidding. legit -.-

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-03-05, 13:29
    when i started playing, i had a deal with a friend.
    he would give me 20 dollars if i could beat it in like half an hour.I was sure i would win.

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-03-05, 13:28
    look, it's not bad AT fact, IT'S AWSWOOOOOOOOOMEEEEE!

  • avatar
    Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2017-01-14, 16:02
    and i didn't make it

  • avatar
    Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2017-01-14, 15:59
    this is actually easy to me

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