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Slender Woods - Puzzle Solver Game With Slendy Behind Your Back

Slender Woods - Puzzle Solver Game With Slendy Behind Your Back

Gameplay: Story about a guy who gets fed up with everything, leaves the city for peace and quite in an old parent's shed in the woods.

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Slender Woods - Puzzle Solver Game With Slendy Behind Your Back

Unlike typical Slender games, The woods is not only about collecting pages for survival. It's story mode is more like a horror adventure with quick puzzles and a monster on your back than just a plain page collecting spin off. The author of this indie game is Ezeddy from Russian Federation. The first release came out back in 2012.

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Slender Woods - Puzzle Solver Game With Slendy Behind Your Back

Gameplay: Story about a guy who gets fed up with everything, leaves the city for peace and quite in an old parent's shed in the woods. As you can read from his lettre at the beginning of the game, everything went well until he started to hear strange noises outside the house.

Slender Woods has typical first person shooter controls.

After you collect a flashlight in the house you need to get out and head towards the underground tunnels. You soon reach the house but the door is locked, so you need to search the surroundings of the object to find the key. The woods is very dark as you barely cann see just a few steps ahead. On top of that, there's an unwanted visitor in the near. You suddenly start to feal very strange and see strange things ... Someone's been watching you ...

Youtube on Slender Woods by PewDiePie:

ps. I am not big fan of Pew but Markiplier had like 10 times less visits on the same review, so obviously Pew was doing something well, not sure what though.

Special thanks to Scientist who suggested this game in pm.

If the download link does not work please send me a private message so I can fix it ...


BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ım playing scray -.-

thecrazyonethecrazyone : wwaaahhhhh... anoother game that id have to download... i dont wike this... buutt, by just looking at the game, im thinking its exciting and fun to play (=

darkdark : Special thanks to Scientist who suggested this game in pm. Plus if the link stop working, let me know in pm. enjoy

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  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 12:06
    ım playing scray -.-

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 00:06
    wwaaahhhhh... anoother game that id have to download... i dont wike this... buutt, by just looking at the game, im thinking its exciting and fun to play (=

  • avatar
    dark (5461) - 2016-07-21, 10:38
    Special thanks to Scientist who suggested this game in pm. Plus if the link stop working, let me know in pm. enjoy

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