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SCP - Containment Breach

SCP - Containment Breach
Exploring the locked down facility is a terrifying and utterly nerve-wracking experience: Secure, Contain, Protect.
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SCP - Containment Breach

In "SCP - Containment Breach", the player controls a hapless individual charged with conducting tests on one of weird but deadly objects. The power fails, allowing the vicious statue to escape, along with a number of other objects and it now falls to you to guide the unwilling hero around the facility, with the simple aim of survival.

  • This indie survival game will have you hiding behind the sofa in panic.
  • Keep an eye on the statue or allow it to get one step closer to pulling your intestines out through your nose

NOTE: This is PC windows game. You must download it and install it on your PC to be able to play it. This game is not available for online play.


Click on the link below to download SCP - Containment Breach zip file. After doing that, you must go inside the folder and double click SCP - Containment Breach.exe. It is possible that the game will require you to accept the installation of some additional (mostly graphics-related) components. It is perfectly safe to do so.


SCP - Containment Breach

Exploring the locked down facility is a terrifying and utterly nerve-wracking experience: Secure, Contain, Protect...

Indie Survival Game

image of SCP Containment Breach Logo: secure contain protect

Fans of indie survival games like Five Nights at Freddy’s should do themselves a favour and check out SCP – Containment Breach, a slick and enjoyable addition to the genre which is just bursting with fresh ideas, not to mention plenty of scares that will have you hiding behind the sofa in panic.

SCP Secret Organization

As with many of the best ideas, the concept behind Containment Breach is fairly simple and finds players delving into the mysterious world of the SCP Foundation. This secret organization has a particular interest in all things arcane and which have the potential to threaten the world, and have now amassed an impressive collection of weird but deadly objects.

Test Went A Bit Wrong

image of SCP Containment Breach: indie survival game

The player controls a hapless individual charged with conducting tests on one of these objects, a vicious statue which has the ability to move when not being observed (shades of Doctor Who?) but during the test, it all goes a bit wrong. The power fails, allowing the statue to escape, along with a number of other objects and it now falls to you to guide the unwilling hero around the facility, with the simple aim of survival. If you’re feeling particularly bold, you can try to recapture the statue but with all the nightmare creatures running around, including a plague doctor that can kill you with one touch and a homicidal beast whose only desire is to beat you into a bloody paste, even surviving is a big challenge and it takes a bold player indeed to attempt a recapture.

Low Budget Game With Superb Audio

image of SCP Containment Breach: gameplay

Containment Breach is clearly a low budget game, having been made in the Blitz 3D Engine and while it is undoubtedly lacking in the visuals department, with weak textures, a lack of detail and a fairly cheap looking monster, it more than makes up for any graphical shortcomings with its gameplay. Exploring the locked down facility is a terrifying and utterly nerve-wracking experience, thanks in no small part to the superb audio, which works perfectly in tandem with the scares, building and enhancing the tension so that you will literally jump out of your seat with alarming frequency. Coupled to this are the creepy environments, which will have you peering reluctantly around the corner, desperately hoping that nothing lurks beyond, and the monsters themselves, which manage to overcome their low budget nature to become absolutely terrifying.

Instant survival horror classic

image of SCP Containment Breach: creatures

When you add in plenty of clever mechanics, such as the blinking system which requires you to keep an eye on the statue or allow it to get one step closer to pulling your intestines out through your nose, or the decontamination gas which pops up with unnerving regularity and which really piles on the pressure, you have all the makings of an instant survival horror classic. The impressive and fascinating history only adds to the appeal and provides plenty of future opportunities to explore and if the game can get more support, any shortcomings with the visuals can be fixed, thus opening it up to a wider audience and giving it the success it truly deserves.

image of SCP Containment Breach: subject

KittensAreEvilKittensAreEvil : SCP Containment Breach is one of my favourite horror games for PC.

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : scp 173 so cute D:

thecrazyonethecrazyone : i couldnt download this...haallpppp.....

ArkirrirArkirrir : The download link doesn't work, it gives me a 404 error every time

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : Favorite game atm, aaaaaa! Love it!

skeletonhorrorskeletonhorror : Download links not working. :(

ScientistScientist : Michael Metzger@ I am happy that i can help you because not much people care about such comments i always check new comments. Every game i know here to download was virus free and also mostly didn't need a program.Yes you can download it but at me it sometimes get some memory violation thing and it crashes.Well good luck.

Michael MetzgerMichael Metzger : Is this a safe website to download games? because I've always wanted to play SCP, but is it virus free? Please be honest with me.

ScientistScientist : Creepy,old but feels 2015 to me...Don't know why. 5

serialzeroserialzero : Oh, right! I know some people might be new to this game, and just in case they don't know, it's based on this site here;

CreepyalexCreepyalex : This is so awesome! I was actually looking forward to play this game! Glad you put it here :D

serialzeroserialzero : @NarcissisticCannibal... What happens when you try to open it? What kind of messages or prompts show up? If it's a problem with WinZip not cooperating, I can walk you through an easy way around it.

scary_kidscary_kid : This game rocks!! It's awesome and it has an awesome graphics! btw it works without problems, U need to exract the game 1st and than it works smoothly :)

scary_kidscary_kid : Let's download this creepy game :)

NarcissisticCannibalNarcissisticCannibal : I downloaded it but when I try to open it it wont work. Any advice?

serialzeroserialzero : Rock on! I watched a few of Markiplier's videos of this game, and was fascinated enough to look up the SCP Foundation's website. Really cool stories. Some of those creatures are awesomely creepy. XD

darkdark : SCP is one of 'PC games' as represented by red square in top corner. Such games must be downloaded and installed...

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  • avatar
    KittensAreEvil (207) - 2018-09-20, 03:39
    SCP Containment Breach is one of my favourite horror games for PC.

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 20:44
    scp 173 so cute D:

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 19:03
    i couldnt download this...haallpppp.....

  • avatar
    Arkirrir (184) - 2017-06-04, 03:23
    The download link doesn't work, it gives me a 404 error every time

  • avatar
    ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ (2326) - 2016-10-31, 11:35
    Favorite game atm, aaaaaa! Love it!

  • avatar
    skeletonhorror (130) - 2015-09-01, 22:48
    Download links not working. :(

  • avatar
    Scientist (2717) - 2015-06-23, 12:28
    Michael Metzger@
    I am happy that i can help you because not much people care about such comments i always check new comments.
    Every game i know here to download was virus free and also mostly didn't need a program.Yes you can download it but at me it sometimes get some memory violation thing and it crashes.Well good luck.

  • avatar
    Michael Metzger (328) - 2015-06-23, 06:53
    Is this a safe website to download games? because I've always wanted to play SCP, but is it virus free?

    Please be honest with me.

  • avatar
    Scientist (2717) - 2015-06-01, 16:27
    Creepy,old but feels 2015 to me...Don't know why.

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-02-02, 13:43
    Oh, right! I know some people might be new to this game, and just in case they don't know, it's based on this site here;

  • avatar
    Creepyalex (5244) - 2015-01-28, 07:40
    This is so awesome! I was actually looking forward to play this game! Glad you put it here :D

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-01-25, 04:26
    What happens when you try to open it? What kind of messages or prompts show up?
    If it's a problem with WinZip not cooperating, I can walk you through an easy way around it.

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-01-24, 12:31
    This game rocks!!
    It's awesome and it has an awesome graphics!
    btw it works without problems, U need to exract the game 1st and than it works smoothly :)

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