Slender Man Games
Slender The 8 Pages
Slendytubbies 2
Slender The Nine Pag…
Slender Man 2D: Sana…
Slender The Arrival
Slender Winter Editi…
The Cursed Forest
Slenderman Must Die
Slender Mystery Fore…
Slender Man 3D
Slender Space
Midnight Man 3D
Slender Micro
Slenderman Daybreak
Real Slender
Kill Slender 2D
Slender Bones Of Chi…
Slendrina Must Die -…
Slenderman Must Die:…
Slender Flashlight
Slender Woods - Puzz…
Slenderman Torture C…
Kogama Slender - 3D …

Slender Man
Slender Man is a game based on an urban legend. The 3D version is better than the 2D version, and does have its scary moments. Some kids may find slender man a little hard to handle, whereas will probably laugh at the games that have tried to be more about gore than creepy fear.
Slender Man became the phenomenon it is today because Slender Man is so freakin’ scary. Most people can understand that Slender Man is not real and was created in a photo contest, however, most people know that vampires don't exist but that doesn't stop them from sleeping with the lights on after watching a scary vampire flick. Slender Man, in his faceless appearance reaches deep into the depths of the human mind and worms himself around until people are afraid that he is actually after them. There have been many articles published on the web about how Slender Man has made people feel and how they cope with the feelings that he brings about inside them.
Some of the more common ways that people deal with their irrational fear of Slender Man is overcoming the fear with over exposure. The more that people are exposed to something that frightens them, the less fearful they will become over time, rendering Slender Man harmless. Some others will assume that Slender Man is their own personal demon which they must overcome. They see it as a vice that they must give up. Empowering themselves is an option that most people take. Knowledge is power and if you have knowledge over something that causes fear, you can control that fear. While these options work great on Slender Man, they can also work on other phobias that plague the populace.

As the fascination with Slender Man grows, so does the legend. There are now people all over the globe who have claimed to have seen Slender Man, and many also claim to have been in contact with Slender Man. These people seem to all agree that Slender Man is only meant to do harm, that he cannot be turned aside from his prey and is relentless in his pursuit of harming them.
There are also other people who wish to continue with the myth, adding Slender Man to even more photos and placing them on the internet to scare others. There are even websites and videos devoted to showing how to draw Slender Man and place these drawings inside photos. Regardless of whether people wish to believe in Slender Man or if they think they want to join in the fun and continue the myth, people enjoy Slender Man. Due to this enthusiasm, there is little chance of Slender Man retiring to the depths of the internet anytime soon, if ever.
What makes an online game scarier?
When they push the challenge on to you, whilst making it more difficult to complete. Doing this with puzzles does not work, but it does help to extend the playing time. Maybe this is why Slender Man 3D and Shadow tag are scary after a while. It is less about the scary atmosphere and more about the fact it is getting harder to win.