Unrested Souls
Unrested souls is a horror adventure which tells the story of Clair's family.Unrested Souls
Unrested Souls
Unrested souls is a horror adventure which tells the story of Clair's family. They all lived in homeless shelter where they used to help people, so each member of the family earned its own room there. Not sure what had happened, but rooms they used to live in now are possessed by 'unrested souls', and your task here is to 'clean' and 'purify' them all, somehow.
This is Unity game, so you might find it impossible to make it work in Chrome browser. You have two options: a) to move to Firefox or Internet Explorer b) to follow instructions given on this page: "How to make Unity work in Chrome" c) if you have any question, feel free to ask down in comments
How to play?
Majority of similar games usually simply begins without any notice. In this game one of the very first things you see is a short message which in explains your purpose here. Your job is to purify certain rooms inside the building. Rooms are locked while the keys are scattered all around the place. The first thing you need to do is to go and look around for the keys. Yet it still remains unclear why those rooms need purification in the first place. What kind of evil has gotten into them? Who are those unrested souls and why are they unrested. Are they some demons, ghosts?

Resemblance with Slender-man
The room in which the adventure begins is quite dark. The lamp you're holding in your hand barely illuminates small area in front of you. There isn't much to see really. Room is labeled with '0/7' and you also begin with 0 keys ... Certain resemblance with Slender's 8 pages is more than obvious.

How to go full screen?
It's nice to have full screen option in the game settings, although you can always achieve the same if you do right click and than choose 'go full screen'. This goes for any unity game. To go full screen from the game you just need to press 'G' key.

You will easily figure out controls along the way. Standard WASD is for moving and space bar is to jump. To interact with objects, i.e. to open a door, you need to press 'E' key.
Usually noone shows up ...
The atmosphere is dark and creepy. Complete silence is occasionally disturbed by loud door knocking but usually noone shows up, usually ...
the moment of purification
Possessed room looks filled up with some white bubbles, something like snow or feathers. To purify room, all you need to do is to step inside and interact ('E') with the cupboard. Room instantly gets cleared, i.e. purified, and you can hear voices of souls whispering as they leave out the space.
Just about when I thought that this is going to be easy, and that there's no real danger in the house, unpleasant surprise awaited me. Surprise that include unknown black creature with red eyes, accompanied by loud scream. I felt chills down my spine instantly :) Even if I knew what was going to happen in the next try, I felt the same each and every time.
Check out this guy, is he for real? He's been screaming like a girl several times during the play. He's been like getting multiple heart attacks.
ChochiPRO :
nice graphics, unity :P
BadEverDayXD :
Ay Ben Åžok!
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
Kinda creepy, could be better. c': I still like it!
HeavenboundRob :
haven't gotten to purify all the rooms, but this game is pretty good, and she keeps popping up in almost any direction i take lol
Daedra :
not scary :D but hard ..
cordelia :
*wanders around aimlessly* *somehow gets kinda close to winning*
Scientist :
PLEASE SWITCH TO MOZILLA FIREFOX OR INTERNET EXPLORER! but i hate that it's like someone tells you to do something but he doesn't see you did it, i am using opera and i can't play any unity game on this site any more.
PockyPanic :
Scared to play, but I don't wanna be a wussy
JaneTheKiller :
This game is amazing!
scary_kid :
ughhh, it's really jumpy, whenever I play it, it gives me jumpscares ... my heart is about to jump out of my chest xD
Creepyalex :
Awesome game!
serialzero :
Fantastic sound. Great atmosphere. I was genuinely startled the first time that shadow creature appeared in front of me. XD
scary_kid :
what a jumpscare early in the morning :D she scared me that much that I jumped that hard I hit the ceiling with my head :D
Scientist :
Man that bitch became aggresive since the fourth room and catched me at the fifth but i'll beat it.
scary_kid :
nice :) I like it
KevShin007 :
Psychosocial :
yay !!! finally another cool horror game !!! X3 ♥
i like this game,best thing was that the ´´unrested soul´´ surprised me behind wall
Scientist :
New horror game yeah!
PLEASE SWITCH TO MOZILLA FIREFOX OR INTERNET EXPLORER! but i hate that it's like someone tells you to do something but he doesn't see you did it, i am using opera and i can't play any unity game on this site any more.