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The Lost Souls

The Lost Souls
The Lost Souls is 3D dungeon escape game with strong blood and gore scenes, and it is not for skittish or those faint of heart.
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The Lost Souls

The Lost Souls

The Lost Souls is 3D dungeon escape game with strong blood and gore scenes, and it is not for skittish or those faint of heart. The game is made in Unity technique and has excellent 3D graphics.

What's it about

This is one of those horror adventures which starts with no explanation whatsoever on where you are and how did you get there. After you wake up you realize that you are in some kind of prison. Prison cells are all around you and as always made from steel bars. However, it looks like this prison is in some kind of cave or somewhere underground. There are torches on the walls, and in the middle of the room there is a torture chair and a wooden table nearby filled with very sharp objects. You can see blood on the floor. In the distance you clearly hear human steps and screams. Wooden door of the room is locked. Your job is to use what you can find and use it to escape. Here you have the chance to play the first chapter of the game, because the developer decided to publish the second one very soon.

About the Author

The game dates back from 2011/2012 which means that it is a bit older, but because of its great graphics and horror atmosphere it deserves to find a place on our list of scariest games. Author of this game is Renato Aruffo de Oliviera from Nuclear Games. Recently the game was adapted for iOS, so you can find mobile versions for iPhone and iPad here

How to Play (spoiler!!!)

One of the very first things you need to do is to light a torch because you will be needing light while you move through dark corridors. Since the door is locked, and the key is behind bars on the floor, take the fork from the table and use it to reach the key. After you get out of the room just run up the stairs and don't look back. After some time spent wondering through the hallways you will find a message which explains what had happened here. In one of the rooms you will see the man hanging on the rope exactly on top of the pentagram drawn on the floor. He is the one responsible for disappearance and torture of several men in those dungeons because he had used them for exorcism. However the ghosts have won the battle and he had become the victim of his own ritual. Your task is to finish the job he had began. How can you do it, you can try by yourself or you can see the funny walktrough.

the lost souls horror game the lost souls horror game the lost souls horror game

ChochiPROChochiPRO : so dark that i cant play the game 21:39 PM

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : like

thecrazyonethecrazyone : nice game

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : OH MY CELESTIA! DAT JUMPSCARE GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK AFTER LOOKING BEHIND!! Sorry for the caps soo.. yeah :p

kaushik00001kaushik00001 : Nice Game

kaushik00001kaushik00001 : Nice Game But too short

kaushik00001kaushik00001 : lol

BloodRageGamingBloodRageGaming : could not get it to play even when I switched to ie

orchiidaorchiida : a good story line but needs better control. The controls seem too glitchy and the graphics are minimal. Great sound effects but overall scare factor minimal. It would have been better if the mother maybe attempted to attack the player when the lights faded in and out, giving the player a sense of timing it right. Or maybe a nice jump scare when the player got close to the baby. Near the end, make it seem like something was chasing the character and add a chance of failure to the game. If they get caught, game over, start again. More thrill, less chill.

ScientistScientist : The game is good and a challenge but the jumpscare factor is not really good.★★★★ But also,do you still remember Neverending Nightmares?There is a demo for the sequel-Devastated Nightmares.I'm really hype because of this year,so many good games:DOOM 4, Fallout 4,Devastated Nightmares,Mario Maker...

D3RK_KNIGHTD3RK_KNIGHT : good game #1 on my favourite list

TheKilljoysRevengeTheKilljoysRevenge : WHAT ARE THE VOICES SAYING

scary_kidscary_kid : it happens when i click START ... :(

scary_kidscary_kid : for some reason i cant play it ... i see only black screen but I hear all sounds of this game.. weird...

Thebigcheese195Thebigcheese195 : i would recommend

Captain KawaiiCaptain Kawaii : this game is the best

serialzeroserialzero : I'm so-so on this one. On the one hand, some of the sounds effects are genuinely creepy, and the pick-up-and-drop mechanic is refreshingly different. On the other hand, the controls are clunky, and the environments are not designed very well.

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : lol @hellaradkawaiicat

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : happy new year game :)

HellaRadKawaiiCatHellaRadKawaiiCat : Boring at times but it as still worth the play time for the creepy atmosphere. The mother was the par that worried me most while playing this game because shes so spooky like wowza.

imcoolboysimcoolboys : yo it was a boring game! finished it in a hour!

rainbowsgoboomrainbowsgoboom : wait is it being serious when it says heart disease

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : I loved the jumpscares :)

AllyptuaxxxAllyptuaxxx : omg this game is soo scary

Monet1The1ReaperMonet1The1Reaper : I love how im about to play this and i have a heart problem xD

AmiDeviAmiDevi : my head hurts, awesome!

ScarecrowScarecrow : The ghost scared the crap out of me.

CreepyalexCreepyalex : This was interesting and challenging, just how it's supposed to be :D

UnsinkableShipperUnsinkableShipper : My darn unity player never works >,>

Captain KawaiiCaptain Kawaii : I love it but it does take awhile to escape

NerdzLowkzNerdzLowkz : yall niqqah cheaters & shit cx

JaneTheKillerJaneTheKiller : But it's pretty hard to escape.

JaneTheKillerJaneTheKiller : I love this game !

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-25, 13:39
    so dark that i cant play the game
    21:39 PM

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 15:35

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 20:43
    nice game

  • avatar
    Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2016-11-16, 01:38

  • avatar
    kaushik00001 (688) - 2016-03-16, 07:57
    Nice Game

  • avatar
    kaushik00001 (688) - 2016-02-10, 14:13
    Nice Game But too short

  • avatar
    kaushik00001 (688) - 2016-02-09, 09:32

  • avatar
    BloodRageGaming (32) - 2016-01-22, 05:59
    could not get it to play even when I switched to ie

  • avatar
    orchiida (34) - 2015-09-04, 11:17
    a good story line but needs better control. The controls seem too glitchy and the graphics are minimal. Great sound effects but overall scare factor minimal. It would have been better if the mother maybe attempted to attack the player when the lights faded in and out, giving the player a sense of timing it right. Or maybe a nice jump scare when the player got close to the baby. Near the end, make it seem like something was chasing the character and add a chance of failure to the game. If they get caught, game over, start again. More thrill, less chill.

  • avatar
    Scientist (2717) - 2015-08-08, 07:43
    The game is good and a challenge but the jumpscare factor is not really good.★★★★
    But also,do you still remember Neverending Nightmares?There is a demo for the sequel-Devastated Nightmares.I'm really hype because of this year,so many good games:DOOM 4, Fallout 4,Devastated Nightmares,Mario Maker...

  • avatar
    D3RK_KNIGHT (1505) - 2015-05-06, 14:24
    good game #1 on my favourite list

  • avatar
    TheKilljoysRevenge (26) - 2015-03-14, 20:47

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-02-21, 11:13
    it happens when i click START ... :(

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