The Horror House
This game is very similar to 'The House 2', except it does not seem to be as well made.The Horror House
The Horror House
This game is very similar to 'The House 2', except it does not seem to be as well made. You are left in a black and white house with a scary soundtrack in the background and are forced to explore each room and the things within it. There are dynamic shadows that come across as ghostly, and swarms of flies moving around. Your job is to figure out what went on in the house and find out why it is in such as state, and find out what bad things happened within. You have to trigger events in order to make the game continue on and solve the mysteries within the house.
chloejulianne06 :
is this game boring?
ChochiPRO :
playing and praying... What a dumb burning life...
If i live a life like this i will kill myself immediately
SpoopzMasterPinky :
does a preety good job setting the scene and gives a meh atmosphere for a horrible ass payoff
yuritakeda :
this game is beautiful but it is too short and I find it a shame
Joseph Kay :
I missed the times I used to play for hours here, nostalgia hit me so fvcking hard hahah
darksoul16 :
HAHA...just a little creepy
OliveAR :
I don't really get scared by stuff like this anymore, so I didn't really jump anytime, BUT I still enjoyed it. I can certainly say, though, that if it were five years ago, I would have probably jumped a couple times or so.
JDGhost :
Considering I'm not easy to scare, I didn't jump once. :/ still a good story line though
HoofedCoder :
Hmmm... it's good and a little scary
savedeaday :
it is really boring
savedeaday :
idk how to play this game
savedeaday :
scary sounds 0.0
savedeaday :
is it boring?
Mileskorv :
The only creepy of this is the music
darkjewelz :
The controls on the game aren't working.
BadEverDayXD :
not scray... :/
thecrazyone :
it wasnt that scary
Secretly Satan :
Kinda boring.
All you do is stay in a spot and rapidly click things to make something happen.
SpoopzMasterPinky :
it's not scary
insxcurity :
idk, this was pretty boring and not scary at all, 2/10
Lithium :
Really boring ...
Made.By.Lucifer :
Pretty fkn lit!
Marklawrence :
Woow Cool
sunilpokhriyal :
Awesome and Scary game with headphones.
Here is my gameplay on Youtube
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
Wow This is a good game!
fatinann :
how do you play this game? how to move?
Buttercup :
Enjoying the creepy music but this game ain't really my favorite
xkcsz :
Playing this game muted while enjoying religious music...
goldendestiny :
wasn't so scary at alll
though the ending was nice ........... but i expected scarier :(
ClaryWantsToSeeBlood :
cordelia :
Eh, not my fave. Good creepy music though.
Abad :
The Game's cool! Eerie soundtrack and atmosphere. loved it!
Marcelino :
nice game so creepy
Made.By.Lucifer :
This was actually the first horro-game I've plyed on this site! It wasn't so well made to be honest, the jump-scares we're ok but the details wasn't the good! It was almost like more silly than scary...
CockroachVomit :
Well, it was better than "I Miss You" and I'll give it some slack for being 10 years old, according to the last bit... But really, very tedious and mindless gameplay for a few weak jumpscares. At least there was kind of a story going on here... I suppose.
RyeRaze :
Dumb game. Just click repeatedly on the same random things and jumpscares ensue. Not scary, predictable, and repetitive.
hamidcore :
Wooooo so creepy man :/
Smile_Dog :
it froze when i was fun i wanted to play
Joseph Kay :
vey creppy, The effects and the story are very good, but i think that this game need something more...idk
Gaia2007 :
@_@ God sooo creepy.....
serialzero :
The music sounds like it's ripped from a horror movie. >_>
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
The jumpscares didn't scared me that time.But my reaction was like,"Eww what a awful game!".
Vincent Bishop FNAF :
This was one of the 1st horror game I've played in this website and in my life.
serialzero :
Visuals and sound effects are pretty good. I find these fixed screen games kind of tedious though. I hate not being able to move around and explore at my leisure. Instead, I'm stuck on a single screen, clicking on things a million times, hoping something will happen. >_>
scary_kid :
it's ok ... not scary at all
Sucubus Nightmare :
It´s not a good game =p
MisakiPureBlood :
Lol XD at the end, I thought I'll be prepared.. that was so shock!!
KevShin007 :
not bad
Lord Legender :
Not as good as the horror house 2, but still awesome!
rainbowsgoboom :
haha I ended up jumping most of the time except for the corridor I covered my eyes
cute_but_scary :
the corridor was scary as hell !!!!!!!!!!!
cute_but_scary :
omg!!! oo
z0mb13t0x1n :
It was alright, when I first played it ages ago it game me jumps but that's not the case now since I am so used to it. Lol
Masterblaster12 :
4 of 5 too many clicks
haru994 :
Gave me the scares in each room!
Alice :
Great game!
Miksu75 :
One of the best horror game. This is funny. ;D
Mrs Minecraft :
soooo cool! best game ever! (not best ever)
mimimomaan :
The music makes the game more scary.
SakuraFujio :
i dont get the idea.....
MaryNightmare :
Way scary fun but made me jump a million times every time I played.
This game has a lot of scary jumpscares. The music is nice :)
If i live a life like this i will kill myself immediately