The Cursed Forest
Yes, the soulless murderer is still out on the loose, lurking from the black cursed woods.The Cursed Forest
The Cursed Forest
Yes, the soulless murderer is still out on the loose, lurking from the black cursed woods. This is another version of never-ending horror saga about you being chased by Slender-man alone in the woods with nothing but the flashlight.
Game rules, gameplay, controls and pretty much everything is more less the same to what we've had in the past. Some comments that I've been reading sounded very promising, although my personal experience with this game was not so good. The first problem I had was with controls. Mouse vertical axis is inverted by default, unless you press the 'esc' button and go into menu and turn the 'inversion' off if you uncheck the appropriate box. The second thing that gave me headaches is the map. It's just too big. You don't have an option to see how the map looks like, so basically you just roam around blindly between monotonous trees. After like 5 minutes of wondering, I've managed to find some facility and to finally pick up my first and the only message. Slender-man was my least worry. Sometimes I just stood in the middle of forest clearing, waiting for him to find me and put me out of the misery. Meanwhile, I ran out of batteries and that was the worst thing that happend to me. Ok, maybe it was just me. Let's call it a bad luck. What about you? Let me know in comments how did it go for you and how many pages did you manage to collect?
The game supposedly features multiplayer mode, although I didn't test that. Developer says that you would have to 'port forward your port to port 25565', to start the game as the 'host', and give your public ip address to your friends, who would than have to start the game as 'clients' with your IP to connect to. Or ... , like me, you could just run it in a single player mode and play.
- ZQSD/QWSD - Walk
- F - Toggle flashlight
- G - Drop batteries
- Shift - Run (You can't run infinitely)
- Left click - Pick pages
Generally, the game could have had better gameplay, smaller map and more aggressive attitude from Slender-man's side. But on the other hand, it's just an indie horror game made by some French kid who does this only for fun, it's free and you can use it to kill some extra time.
chicc : poop gam
ChochiPRO : hm
BadEverDayXD : :/...
Staara Katzu : I can play now XD Slendy is literally the best horror character of all time ^^
Staara Katzu : It won't stop loading :(((( I CANT PLAYY
galaxyjuicebox : How exactly do I change the mouse sensitivity?
thecrazyone : it wasnt a bad game, i liked it thou =)
dave3242 : how can I play this game with my friend
ahmedtheslender : guys how can i make a server and play co op
kaushik00001 : :PPP
kaushik00001 : Nice Game :)
cute_but_scary : slender man looks like my slender classmate's slender father :P
Daedra : i lived 54 minutes o.o just broke this game :D
scary_kid : pa i nije bas tako strasna, mislim da ima boljih Slender igrica od ove @stefan2806
Stefan2806 : Супер игра. Јако Ñтрашна :)
AbbyLiddellEnder : I love him.
D3RK_KNIGHT : y-axis and x-axis at begin...dont forget to change
cute_but_scary : really @ miss_choco :P
KevShin007 : fuckkkkkkkkkkkk
Scarecrow : Not a bad game, but not hat great either.
Vincent Bishop FNAF : @cute_but_scary your pro pic scared me hehe
Vincent Bishop FNAF : ik i played it on gamejolt.
cute_but_scary : BOOO YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
scary_kid : thx @serialzero It helped a bit to contol this game :)
serialzero : @scary_kid... You can change the controls in the options menu so that up is up and down is down. Though I will agree that the flashlight runs out of juice a little too quickly.
scary_kid : ...and the controls are bad, up is down, down is up ... not the best Slender game in my oppinion, it's pretty bad... Only thing I like in this game is the sound, really creepy sounds everywhere but the game ruins everything :(
scary_kid : to recharge the flashlight U need to find the batteries 1st , I dont like because the flashlight runs out so quickly and its pretty hard to find the pages, no map in this game to know where exactly U R which is a minus in my oppinion.
scary_kid : Well, weird thing is I was standing there, in the forest, waiting Slandy to kill me, and he just walked away, nothing happened for abt 15mins of standing there alone :/ what kind of killer would do that? :D
serialzero : Oh, right! I also found a control that wasn't on the list. Press 'R' to reload your flashlight if you have batteries on hand. They're not very generous with the batteries, but then again, I've only found two locations so far. The map seems fairly huge. I kept getting lost and ending up back at the church. XD
serialzero : Holy crap. The sound in this game is fantastic. I was on edge the entire time. Had some really good jump scares too that I was not anticipating. Five stars all the way. XD
cute_but_scary : :) FIRST TO COMMENT