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Slender The Nine Pages

Slender The Nine Pages
Try to collect 9 pages in the dark underground corridors before Slender Man finds you.
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Slender The Nine Pages

Slender The Nine Pages

Try to collect 9 pages in the dark underground corridors before Slender Man finds you. Slender Nine Pages

This is yet another version of Slender Man, rather high quality one. Some even say that this is actually the scariest Slende rMan game so far. On DarkHorrorGames site you get to play an online Unity version, but there are also offline versions for PC and Mac which can be downloaded free of charge.

Developer Petrzmax had decided to keep verified horror elements in the game, for example the white noise on your screen when Slender is somewhere in the vicinity. If we combine that with the flash light which loses contact from time to time and leaves you in the complete darkness, we get the recipe for a guaranteed jumpscare accompanied with an adrenalin rush.

About the Game

The game takes place in the basement which is huge, made of exact same rooms and long claustrophobic concrete corridors. It resembles a labyrinth, so the map could be useful here, but there is none. The player can run (shift) but not for long, because he/she gets tired very fast and starts to walk again. Rooms are mostly empty other that occasional cabinet or stacked wooden boxes. You can hear only yourself breathing and steps echoing in the empty corridors. The game is made as an escape game, because besides those pages, you have to find the key too. It opens one very rusty old door which leads to freedom. The game can be played in the survival mode or somewhat harder hardcore survival mode.

Shocking Slenderman message

One of the first messages I have found said 'He will rape you'. With so many brutal ways to end your existence in a horror game, this is rather weird choice of words for a threatening message. It is in any case inappropriate if we keep in mind who plays Slender Man games in the first place. Other messages are much more conventional and still threatening enough like 'He has no eyes', 'He will eat you', although that is not very usual either.

Slender Nine Pages


  • Pages change their location when you restart the game but one stays always in the cabinet
  • Never stay long in one place always keep moving
  • After you have found page 6 SlenderMan will be constantly close by
  • When you come across SlenderMan just turn around and run in the opposite direction, don't just stand there staring at him.


  • W
  • E
    pick up/collect things
  • F
    turn on/off light
  • look around

Slender Nine Pages Walkthrough on YouTube by Markiplier

Slender Nine Pages: Slenderman

ChochiPROChochiPRO : dam, you cant sprint on this game

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : like

Staara KatzuStaara Katzu : I kinda had a spasm when it said behind you and it was true ¬_¬ I thought he wasn't gonna be behind me :( Oh well good game Im obsessed with slender ;D He is such a bean

HeavenboundRobHeavenboundRob : yeah... i kinda crapped my pants...

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : I will never get bored of these Slender games!! <333

xkcszxkcsz : I got scared as fuck when the flashlight turned off!

scary_kidscary_kid : Slenderman :)) Yeah, this Slendy game is definitely my no.1 :)

romantic_gothxromantic_gothx : really cool and realistic x

D3RK_KNIGHTD3RK_KNIGHT : very good game 5/5

hamidcorehamidcore : Slender is so Nice

Thebigcheese195Thebigcheese195 : 9/10

serialzeroserialzero : Some of them. I think it all depends on how much effort the developer puts into creating a good atmosphere.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Do you think old slender game are scarier?

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : I can remember before playing this game I went to watch Markipliers' video.His Reaction scared me so much I thought,NO I"LL NEVER PLAY THIS GAME! Note:Before playing a horror game don't watch Markipliers' video!

serialzeroserialzero : Awesome sound effects. I like how they used some of the classic static from the original. My only gripe is that your character moves a little too slowly. Other than that, great game!

darkdark : I just heard from a guy who made this awesome game. Actually I asked him if he could make another one:) His name is Artur Petrzak and he is from Poland. He did this 2 years ago, just as a hobby. Unfortunately he doesn't have time to do new game, not for now. Nice to hear from him though.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : I just looked at his shoes.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : I lost!

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Tally scared meeeeeeeeeeeee!

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : I've collected one page.My heart is beating fast.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Heads up everyone,I'm gonna play this game.Wish me luck.

Nonnahs1998Nonnahs1998 : I Managed to Collect all 8 pages in the last one now they have NINE, FUCK I have to do it all over again and this might be difficult but on the plus side i have MOVABLE BOXES :}

agentmaine6agentmaine6 : almost had it

Entire SkysEntire Skys : Love it :)

Lord LegenderLord Legender : anybody ese checking the comments because their scared? )=

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Markipiler's video scared me.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Still I didn't play this game for fear.

Allondra22Allondra22 : X3 I was playing this at school and everyone watching was freaked out. When I met slendy on this they screamed and I laughed and was just all like hai slendy :3

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : markiplier was going to die :P

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : best slender game i love it :)

darkdark : Glad you liked it and thanks for the support!

Entire_SkysEntire_Skys : Dude, this game is freaking awesome! :) I get jumpscared still after playing it a thousand times :D lol gotta love some slender man :)

Captain KawaiiCaptain Kawaii : I still have jump scares even when my headphones aren't on.


glitch36glitch36 : a good game its creeps me out when the jump scare happens

darkdark : According to Markiplier's video this is the scariest part so far, look at his face in the video below.

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-17, 10:26
    dam, you cant sprint on this game

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 15:24

  • avatar
    Staara Katzu (123) - 2018-02-12, 19:23
    I kinda had a spasm when it said behind you and it was true ¬_¬ I thought he wasn't gonna be behind me :( Oh well good game Im obsessed with slender ;D He is such a bean

  • avatar
    HeavenboundRob (270) - 2017-04-01, 20:29
    yeah... i kinda crapped my pants...

  • avatar
    ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ (2326) - 2016-11-01, 17:41
    I will never get bored of these Slender games!! <333

  • avatar
    xkcsz (313) - 2016-04-17, 02:07
    I got scared as fuck when the flashlight turned off!

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-09-05, 16:56
    Slenderman :)) Yeah, this Slendy game is definitely my no.1 :)

  • avatar
    romantic_gothx (285) - 2015-08-21, 20:39
    really cool and realistic x

  • avatar
    D3RK_KNIGHT (1505) - 2015-04-16, 14:06
    very good game 5/5

  • avatar
    hamidcore (594) - 2015-04-02, 17:18
    Slender is so Nice

  • avatar
    Thebigcheese195 (516) - 2015-02-12, 21:37

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-02-07, 21:44
    Some of them. I think it all depends on how much effort the developer puts into creating a good atmosphere.

  • avatar
    Vincent Bishop FNAF (2646) - 2015-02-07, 07:41
    Do you think old slender game are scarier?

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