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Slender Man 3D

Slender Man 3D
This is a lot like the other Slender man games, except that they have put it in 3D.
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Slender Man 3D

Slender Man 3D

This is a lot like the other Slender man games, except that they have put it in 3D. Which has elevated the game in many people’s opinions. You are now able to move in more than two directions, but this has sadly not added much to the game play. It is not as frustrating as the other games, but is still to awkwardly created and rushed to be considered a good game. You have to collect eight pages, which are drawings, in order to complete the game. You also have to avoid the ghostly slender man who is chasing you and kills you if he (or it) looks at you for an extended period of time. Apparently, in this game you die if your sanity meter gets to zero. The Parsec Productions downloadable version is better if you want to try it.


  • W
  • F
    Power on / off flashlight
  • use mouse to look around
  • release the mouse

ChochiPROChochiPRO : so laggy

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : luv it

thecrazyonethecrazyone : haha, i see slenderman has a watermelon head!

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : it's frozing for some reason

cordeliacordelia : Argh, keeps freezing on me! :( Still a good game though. Fun for a while at least. :)

ScientistScientist : ...The game is too easy and weird...If i jump and walk while jumping I still hear foot steps.The pages are just on random trees and you only have to follow the path.I didn't see slender so i tried to meet him.He was just floating and when i tired to touch him i froze and a few seconds later i got a black screen.I know it is development build so i won't criticize too much.★★★

serialzeroserialzero : Froze again in the first three seconds. Blargh. Also, do any of these games that have "3D" in their title actually offer a 3D experience with the use of 3D glasses, or is it just something they slap on there to indicate that it's not flat, 2D graphics?

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : @serialzero also it makes your browser slow.

serialzeroserialzero : Ugggh. Froze on me again. Plus it did that thing, where when you move your mouse right or left to look around, the cursor goes outside the edge of the window, and interrupts the motion.

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : Watermelon man beware!

Vincent Bishop FNAFVincent Bishop FNAF : @cut_but_scary the begining I looked behind I saw uncle slendy and everything froze.I looked at him,he doesn't looks like slendy.He looks like watwermelon.

serialzeroserialzero : Yeah, when the game's not being laggy, it freezes on you. Graphics and sound effects are annoyingly repetitive. I also have to agree with cute_but_scary. Slenderman's design in this one is terrible. XP

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : slenderman's head looks like watermelon (LOL) XD

CreepyalexCreepyalex : The flashlight seems to have a life of it's own. It just keeps moving uncontrollably. And like everyone said, it does freeze a lot!

Captain KawaiiCaptain Kawaii : it froze

MINERNOLANMINERNOLAN : Yeah, just tried it again and it still keeps freezing. I try to go near a note and the game just freezes.

MINERNOLANMINERNOLAN : When slenderman was there it just froze and nothing happened

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-17, 10:16
    so laggy

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 17:15
    luv it

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 21:14
    haha, i see slenderman has a watermelon head!

  • avatar
    Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2016-12-20, 01:16
    it's frozing for some reason

  • avatar
    cordelia (2950) - 2016-04-26, 18:36
    Argh, keeps freezing on me! :( Still a good game though. Fun for a while at least. :)

  • avatar
    Scientist (2717) - 2015-07-09, 11:49
    ...The game is too easy and weird...If i jump and walk while jumping I still hear foot steps.The pages are just on random trees and you only have to follow the path.I didn't see slender so i tried to meet him.He was just floating and when i tired to touch him i froze and a few seconds later i got a black screen.I know it is development build so i won't criticize too much.★★★

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-02-05, 21:43
    Froze again in the first three seconds. Blargh.
    Also, do any of these games that have "3D" in their title actually offer a 3D experience with the use of 3D glasses, or is it just something they slap on there to indicate that it's not flat, 2D graphics?

  • avatar
    Vincent Bishop FNAF (2646) - 2015-02-03, 03:30
    @serialzero also it makes your browser slow.

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-02-02, 13:23
    Ugggh. Froze on me again. Plus it did that thing, where when you move your mouse right or left to look around, the cursor goes outside the edge of the window, and interrupts the motion.

  • avatar
    Vincent Bishop FNAF (2646) - 2015-02-02, 07:32
    Watermelon man beware!

  • avatar
    Vincent Bishop FNAF (2646) - 2015-02-02, 07:31
    @cut_but_scary the begining I looked behind I saw uncle slendy and everything froze.I looked at him,he doesn't looks like slendy.He looks like watwermelon.

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-01-11, 11:26
    Yeah, when the game's not being laggy, it freezes on you. Graphics and sound effects are annoyingly repetitive. I also have to agree with cute_but_scary. Slenderman's design in this one is terrible. XP

  • avatar
    cute_but_scary (1672) - 2014-10-10, 10:15
    slenderman's head looks like watermelon (LOL) XD

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