This is a point-and-click game that desperately wants to be a live action game.Sanatorium
This is a point-and-click game that desperately wants to be a live action game. The lighting and scenery is very similar to the resident evil games, with even some of the sound effects being similar. The atmosphere is purposely dark as you navigate around a psychiatric hospital that has been abandoned. There is an inventory screen that allows you to see what you have collected, and maybe use the items on the things that you click on as you go. The game can be quite challenging if you do not find certain items right away.
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spoopybirbb :
Joseph Kay :
It can get a little bit tricky no? ughhh
Btw, why tf does the security guard has a flashlight with dead batteries? xD
BadEverDayXD :
Rose_Miku :
Nice Devil reference in the title... Satanorium is amazingly clever ~ Rose Miku
thecrazyone :
santa-or-i-um.... xD
anyway, i like this game, its nice
SpoopzMasterPinky :
i just realized it's called sanatorium.just sanatorium
cordelia :
I just now noticed it says "Satanorium" on the title screen. Not sure if it's a typo or a devil reference, but I like it! ;p
thegoodoctor :
it simply will not let me pick up the camera. dammit.
cordelia :
It's a nice game, but the dialogue at the end is kinda ridiculous. XP
cordelia :
@serialzero I had the same problem! Apparently you gotta BURN the rope. (Feel free to message me if you need help with that.) Still don't know why it takes your scissors though. :P
cordelia :
"Point-and-click game that desperately wants to be a live action game" is such a perfect description. XD Lots of fun to play though.
LayX :
This game is really good, to me at least.
scary_kid :
scissors are weird :D they simply disappeared but the game is kinda okay. not scary saying the truth but kinda complicated :)
serialzero :
Umm, what? I used the scissors on the rope binding the door, the scissors disappeared, and the rope was still there. XP
rainbowsgoboom :
oh I liked this
Pari :
hello every one i am new here on this site . i don't know how to upload a dp can anyone message me. the game was ok ok
Creepyalex :
A bit boring, but the atmosphere is nice.
JaneTheKiller :
This game is kinda boring.
I thought this game was boring and took too long to start to get scary
Btw, why tf does the security guard has a flashlight with dead batteries? xD
anyway, i like this game, its nice