When bringing dead to life goes wrong, you must point and click your way out of the spooky basement.Sacrificium
When bringing dead to life goes wrong, you must point and click your way out of the spooky basement.
Speaking of point and click games, Sacrificium is not Lonely Asylum, far from Exmortis 2 and definitely not the Killer Escape or Death Embrace. According to the diary, 'Second life spell' ceremony went wrong while our guest was bringing up to life his dead bride. The last ingredient, the boy, who didn't like the idea of being sacrificed (hence the game's name) for the 'higher cause' decides to go extremely uncooperative. I bet how loud he screamed and yelled, but no one could have heard him down in the basement where he was chained to the wall. Well, we don't get to see that, unfortunately, despite our weird interests.

The house hides the secret, while in the other way it shows a lot, I mean the blood marks on the walls. Well, not just marks. The room upstairs looks like someone just got exploded inside. Anyway, somehow, you got stuck inside, probably because you were sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, and now you desperately want out. You become aware of the ceremony along the way, mainly from the 'diary', but your primary concern still remains finding the way out and getting the hell out of this place. Who knows, someone might decide to use your flesh for the ceremony instead of that poor boy.
The game is very simple and very old and to be honest it doesn't have much value, not at this point. But it had me playing it for some reason. It has that creepy, smelly, cheap gory odor throughout the whole gameplay. I really can't figure out why people don't make more of this stuff. I mean seriously, this stuff has been made like in 2009, that's 6 years ago. And with all the tech we have now, all the 3D unity engines, game makers, no one comes up with good old cheesy horror with few jump-scares. Don't get it.

It's point and click, just for the record. Few simple puzzles here and there. You'll have to earn your way through the locked door, figure out how to crack the code of the safe with the key, and so on. The usual stuff about escape games. The code for the safe upstairs was too simple to crack. At first, I thought it has to do something with the diary. But it didn't. Just pay attention to the writing on the wall 'DAI' and encode that from English alphabet to numbers.. you'll get 419 that way. One more thing. This game has two endings. To be honest, I've never looked back for the alternative ending. I know the one with shooting a dog, not cool part. What do you say about the game ? Leave your thoughts down in comments please. I am curios.
JasonBerg :
Very short but not a bad game. Items are a little small so you have to be exact. No use swirling your cursor around to look for missed objects.
birbbwithinfrogg2 :
okay what the friggity fuck every time i click the lamp in the bedroom everything just goes black until i leave the room. this seams to be a glitch. oof. overall, this is a horrible game. no offense it's just a little crappy.
BadEverDayXD :
SpoopzMasterPinky :
A sacrifium is defined as the place where sacrifises of animals,and even humans happen.They're supposed to represent some weird message to the "pantheon".
It's also proof that the human race is damned
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
It's alright. ._.
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
Uh, just standing here (idk how to move) and the damn door is locked
Mandeh :
TheLovelyHolly :
I did both endings. Ending A was upsetting because I had to kill a dog and ending B scared me a little because I wasn't prepared for the voice of the guy. For some reason that voice scared me. But since the point of playing these games is to get scared, I'm giving it a 4 star rating for ending B.
Mooman :
whats the code for the safe thing?? x
cordelia :
Not sure if I escaped or died??
JaneTheKiller :
I can't open the damn door! :(
iwantapony :
I figured out the code before even seeing the lock lol, but i can't figure out the "alternate ending", you can't go back once you have the Desert Eagle and once you are in the other room, all you can do is blow out the candle and die... Don't get it.
Scientist :
I got both endings and i beat it very fast and by that i mean very fast without walkthrough i normally need much longer of point and clicks.The code puzzle must have been made from the most evil person on the world but i went down again and checked that sign out i tried to use the numbers of the alphabet that they are DAI 419.And the key behind the painting i was checking the painting and i dropped the key out of it by accident.Good old game 5 stars
thecrazyone :
it was ohk
TurnBuster64 :
Game has its moments, but overall good for an old game
dark :
@LordDark yeah its weird game and rather old, but not bad all
not bad not bad
DarkAvalach :
Ending A: Go through door A. Ending B: Go through door B
Smile_Dog :
there is ending A the dog and then ending B different
Joseph Kay :
OK. It's very interesting.
The backgrounds are amazing... but the interactive objects are a complete s*** haha... btw, it's not a bad game.
scary_kid :
okay, i killed the dog and than the same happened "try again for the alternative ending" ? is that it? u have more endings, in my oppinion 2 ... or there is some final ending?
scary_kid :
my favourite jumpscare is when you turn off-on-off-on the lamp :D must try that if U didnt :D
scary_kid :
okay, when U chose door B U finished the game going thru some weird tunnel, but thats not the "alternative ending" .. Its seems you must kill the dog but I fail 2 times till now .. :D
Gaia2007 :
The alternative ending is
Spoiler Alert!!!
the white tunnel, right? Do you suppose to die there? : 0 sorry if my english is rusty, I am from Argentina.
serialzero :
Oh yeah, and the woman in the photograph was pretty creepy all on her own. It would have been cool if they had slowly made it deteriorate into a photo of a corpse. Something subtle at first so you're not sure if you were seeing what you were seeing, then the more you stared at it, the deader she became. Might have fit with the theme of the story, I think. *shrugs*
serialzero :
Eh, it's OK. Nice visuals, but that's about it.
I was annoyed that I had to start over from the beginning when the dog killed me.
I had no idea where I was supposed to figure out the safe code, so I just ended up hitting random numbers. No lie, I managed to open it both times by doing that. XD
scary_kid :
okay, it has some jumpscares but the one thing i dont like is when u fail u must start from the beginning :(
HellaRadKawaiiCat :
Its an alright game. A bit difficult at times but with nice visuals to set a creepy atmosphere.
It's also proof that the human race is damned