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Nightmares of Leia Ray - Afterlife Experience

Nightmares of Leia Ray - Afterlife Experience
Ever wandered what happens when you die, the next minute after your soul leaves the body?
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Nightmares of Leia Ray - Afterlife Experience

Nightmares of Leia Ray - Afterlife Experience

Ever wandered what happens when you die, the next minute after your soul leaves the body? We don't know anything about Laia Ray, who she was and it really doesn't matter. She obviously had some major injury and died on a table while being admitted to the hospital. At the beginning of the game you can watch how her life slowly fades and vanishes between those bright round hospital lights on the ceiling.

They say that one minute stretches out to an endless and timeless collection of memories to events from your just past life. And you, as a new resident of that world, are trying to figure out how to fit in just like in a puzzle.

You touch things (with the mouse) to see what they will trigger and what will happen next.

It's pretty much dark inside, so if you ever get stuck in not knowing where is the next clickable item, just use 'tab' key and it will show it marked with the yellow rectangle, so you know.

There's a detailed walkthough you probably won't need because the game is pretty much straightforward (especially if you use 'tab' key trick). Just as a hint to give you a fast start, at the beginning there's a piece of paper with letters scribbled on 'd', 'e', 'a' and 'd' which you need to click in correct order to complete the word 'dead'. Of course, it will dye all in blood red, to let you know that you're on the right track.

Generally, it's a really good point and click game, very similar to the 'House' with lots of good visuals and scary sounds and lots of blood everywhere. Basically there's nothing not to like about it, except maybe for being to easy for play.

Stick to the end to see whether she'll make it through or not ...

ChochiPROChochiPRO : Hamburger Lady's place??!! WTF

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : hOw dO yOu eVeN sTaRt tHe gAmE?

Joseph KayJoseph Kay : finished in 2 mins? hahaha idk... 2 stars maybe

grahamjograhamjo : i am soo stuck

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ...

ShadeShade : ooooh. I think i get the story-line. sort of. She is about to die and just about does. in that moment of partial death, She experiences memories or fears of some sort from her life, and then she comes back and is in the hospital again. Or something like that XD

BrennenVBrennenV : I am like so stuck release a ton more horror.

insxcurityinsxcurity : idk man

bewarefthesqueedgebewarefthesqueedge : wuh

MemeKitty16MemeKitty16 : Hmm it was an okay game... i liked that it was creepy the vibe of it but it could have been longer

thecrazyonethecrazyone : i wasnt into it... the story wasnt..ehhh ...

Secretly SatanSecretly Satan : it's not really exciting at all.

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : meh...

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : D I V E I N T O T H E A F T E R L I F E

Jale WoodsJale Woods : only 4 scenes, seriously? Short, not scary and story hasn`t been explained. art was pretty good, but I think it`s not enough to call the game cool.

ScientistScientist : I guess it's kinda creepy. Nothing out of the ordinary. The music could have been scarier though. 4/5

MandehMandeh : pretty cool could be longer but i like it

sunilpokhriyalsunilpokhriyal : Not bad Ok type game. Check out gameplay on youtube

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : Uh what should i do at the second room of hall? or is it just the end?

zaidRANGERzaidRANGER : Short, not scary at all...but i like it :3

stellastella : emm

scary_kidscary_kid : @spookydoo Click the handprints in the order that they appeared

ASAPASAP : short

spookydoospookydoo : How do i get past the finger prints part? I already tried pressing the tab key but i still don't know the code pattern.@scary_kid

cordeliacordelia : @scary_kid Exactly! I feel like I didn't learn anything about the title character at all.

scary_kidscary_kid : ok, as much as I can see, she was just clinically dead and then revived. :D uhm, the game itself is just as every other point and click game, not the worst not the best ever made but IMPO it could be much, much better and they could add more detailed story of Leia Rey... AfterAll the game is called "Nightmares of Leia Rey - AfterLife experience"

cordeliacordelia : The story wasn't the greatest, but the art was pretty cool. All in all not a bad game. :)

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-07-27, 10:16
    Hamburger Lady's place??!! WTF

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-09-26, 22:43
    hOw dO yOu eVeN sTaRt tHe gAmE?

  • avatar
    Joseph Kay (1087) - 2018-07-03, 19:54
    finished in 2 mins? hahaha idk... 2 stars maybe

  • avatar
    grahamjo (279) - 2018-05-11, 19:21
    i am soo stuck

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-24, 11:12

  • avatar
    Shade (457) - 2018-03-01, 01:29
    ooooh. I think i get the story-line. sort of. She is about to die and just about does. in that moment of partial death, She experiences memories or fears of some sort from her life, and then she comes back and is in the hospital again. Or something like that XD

  • avatar
    BrennenV (79) - 2018-02-20, 16:29
    I am like so stuck release a ton more horror.

  • avatar
    insxcurity (219) - 2018-02-10, 20:48
    idk man

  • avatar
    bewarefthesqueedge (446) - 2017-11-19, 09:50

  • avatar
    MemeKitty16 (381) - 2017-08-17, 05:29
    Hmm it was an okay game... i liked that it was creepy the vibe of it but it could have been longer

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 00:02
    i wasnt into it... the story wasnt..ehhh ...

  • avatar
    Secretly Satan (152) - 2017-06-08, 23:35
    it's not really exciting at all.

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-05-13, 05:36

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