Mutant Uprising - RPG Text Based Mutant Survival Test
Mutant Uprising is a fun text based choice game which can turn you into a zombie expert, or into a zombie.Mutant Uprising - RPG Text Based Mutant Survival Test
Mutant Uprising - RPG Text Based Mutant Survival Test
Mutant Uprising is a fun text based choice game which can turn you into a zombie expert, or into a zombie.
Mutant Uprising is a flash game but it's not an action game. There are no animations and there are no controls and all you do is answer simple questions of what would you do in a particular situation during the ongoing zombie apocalypse. So, you may look at this as an interactive horror story (where you may die in the process) or as an unique test quiz to check your ability to survive zombie apocalypse and this is why you get the rank (A,B,C,,,) plus the point score in the end of the game. This game has everything what I stood clear of for a long time: it's text based and it's about zombies which I guess will draw away from it many of our players. But if I were to choose one of these text-based games, just to diversify our collection, I would go for this one. And it's probably going to be the only one on the list for a long time.

The story revolves around unemployed guy named Rick who lives in a rented house to find out his neighbor have turned into a blood-thirsty mutant. And she's knocking at his door right now. Beside pure survival aspect the game also utilizes so called 'bonus points' which also can be earned depending on your choices during the regular gameplay. The points are classified into 3 categories: "Brutality", "Kindess" and "Information". When you earn a point it will be displayed on the screen so you know. Here is the full list of all points and how to earn them:
The game has multiple endings and multiple paths to the same ending. It all depends on your choices and your character. Some situations are actually quite fun and comic, like the one when you meet the bunch of zombies at the supermarket and choose to try to get along with them. On the other hand, if you don't dig for text games or don't understand English, you will probably find it boring or unplayable.
Marni Paige :
Good game, lots of choices and different endings
maltheweebdemon :
Funny as hell, I love text games
spoopybirbb :
C- g r e at
someday i will die in the apocalypse (:
spoopybirbb :
lol. i just sang to the gerbil and i named it jerry
BadEverDayXD :
WTH >:v
Rose_Miku :
This is one of the weirdest tests I've ever taken! XD ~Rose Miku
JerryTheGerbil :
I'm not really dead. ^^
thecrazyone :
i was thinking the same thing @SpoopzMasterPinky xD
SpoopzMasterPinky :
Me:Mutant uprising,text game.seems cool.
My first thought when i saw the game:TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES
JaneTheKiller :
Too short
cordelia :
Actually a pretty good game, I think. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would!
cordelia :
A-, alright! :D
cordelia :
I love my mutant gerbil lol. <3
Ohh_Vanquish :
Silent Killer :
this is quite boring -.-
i got a mouse with name ´Jerry´ <3
serialzero :
Heh. That was amusing. Kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. XD
scary_kid :
rank B , not that bad I guess. :)
Scientist :
This game was epic :D reached rank B+ i can survive an apocalypse yay!
Michael Metzger :
Boring Game
someday i will die in the apocalypse (:
My first thought when i saw the game:TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES