This is a live action game where you are in charge of the person from an overhead view.Memento
This is a live action game where you are in charge of the person from an overhead view. The game has clearly been well designed to say it is a free online game. The biggest problem is the stamina bar, as it adds unneeded convolution to the game. It takes a lot of its ideas from the game Thief (with the sound and shadow) and Metal Gear Solid with the silent kills being quick and deadly. It is a good game where you have to kill hunters whilst trying to navigate the streets. But, the game could stand to be a little faster.
Stamsies :
This game isn't as "scary" as it presents itself but still fun nonetheless, if a bit tedious at times such as it being hard to get stealth kills on moving enemies because the space required is so small and if you do get that close they would have already turned around. It's alright.
spoopybirbb :
nOt exactly into the shooting/kill people/ fighting ect. games. i don't know
spoopybirbb :
maltheweebdemon :
I'm terrible at this, but it's still a good game
BadEverDayXD :
ım dont play
Shade :
I was no match for a baseball bat XD
MemeKitty16 :
I'll have to say it is indeed interesting but not my cup of tea just can't get into it
thecrazyone :
why am i addicted to this?
SpoopzMasterPinky :
holy general firefly!(if you catch my drift ;)
i killed someone with a FKIN BASEBALL BAT
Marklawrence :
No scary
ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ :
I could play this forever tbh
Chara Dreemurr [undertale] :
Oh celestia.. i just killed a person with a broken bottle
DoctorSnerk :
nah.. i do like the idea though, i have to say. and the music is pretty nifty.
cordelia :
Haha not my favorite, but definitely interesting. ;P
JaneTheKiller :
Scientist :
The game reminded me of The Last of Us,because you have to sneak up on hunters and try to kill them without the others noticing.But what were they thinking at the controls and not making it customizable?Z to attack,shift to sneak and arrow keys to walk?If at least wasd could be available i could beat the game but of course i can't play with this control set.
hamidcore :
hamidcore :
serialzero :
Did this game vaguely remind anyone else of Manhunt? It kind of has the same shadow-stealth-kill mechanic going for it.
serialzero :
Tricky, but fun, even if I didn't get all that far. XD
HellaRadKawaiiCat :
Music was better than most of the game sadly. But it was easy enough to play.
rainbowsgoboom :
eeh that poor woman
i killed someone with a FKIN BASEBALL BAT