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Lodge Massacre 2

Lodge Massacre 2
The Police got a tip on a brutal murder in St Clair's camp.
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Lodge Massacre 2

The Police got a tip on a brutal murder in St Clair's camp. Terrified woman on the phone was in shock and couldn't explain what had happened. One policeman, who was the closest to the crime scene took the call and rushed to the scene hoping that he might save somebody's life before his backup arrives.

What is it all about?

Sequel to the Lodge Massacre is a horror story made as first person shooter action with many bizarre details, deadly traps and supernatural beings and all that placed in super creepy atmosphere. There is a masked killer with his knife chasing you, blood stains and ominous warning messages on the walls, giant spider jumping on your head strait from the ceiling, cut off head levitating around the room and many other bizarre things. First contact may send chills down your spine, especially if you play at night with you lights off, but in time you will move your focus to the mini problem solving and avoiding traps, no matter how they look like. So, the game is not very Hitchcockian scary, as much as it leaves a sickening feeling in your stomach, which fades in time. For example, in one scene a giant rock falls on your head out of the blue and you die on the spot. Luckily, the game doesn't take you back to the very beginning but you start only that scene over.

The second sequel is much harder than the first part is . You will be probably dying at the same spot several times which can be sometimes very frustrating. But the solution to the scene exists and only needs to be found.


You might need to spend a whole day figuring out what to do to finish this game, so it might be a little bit stressful. For example, most players give up at the spider scene. How to kill the spider in Lodge Massacre 2? You have to position yourself at just the right distance from the spider, so when you point your gun upwards you can actually hit it. It takes only 2 shots and spider is dead. In the first part, the players complained that the policeman is moving too slow. Now, you have an option, press quickly left/right arrow key and you can run. Hint: when you use up all your ammo on the monster from the first scene, don't even try to take on a second monster but rather run to the house. In one of the rooms you will find an ammo box.


  • W
    aim up
  • A
    move left and right
  • S
  • shoot
  • H
  • tap quickly right arrow to run
  • open door (unless they are locked)


Lodge Massacre 2 screenshot Lodge Massacre 2 screenshot

ChochiPROChochiPRO : meh.

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : *good not goods= -_- i'm tired

spoopybirbbspoopybirbb : um. Okay some games re just bad in the first place. Therefore, they should not have sequels. Goods= concept but crappy game.

JasonBergJasonBerg : cool idea but not great.

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : bored

bewarefthesqueedgebewarefthesqueedge : beautiful anatomy. beautiful.

thecrazyonethecrazyone : uhhhmmm....

xkcszxkcsz : Weeiiird!!

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : thanks @dark :) you're a perfect gentleman

darkdark : :) hey no inconvenience, and that one is just perfect!

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : ok i'll change it :p and sorry for inconvenience :)

darkdark : it's hurting my eyes :) I can't stand looking at it.

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : is my avatar way too much irritating

scary_kidscary_kid : too much walking but i finally did it :) I made till the end of this game, and its not bad at all.. but u need to save bullets or U will be stucked into it...

scary_kidscary_kid : hmmm.. it's okay but it should be more bullets around :D

serialzeroserialzero : Hmm, they seem to be a lot more stingy with the bullets in this one. Got stuck fairly early. -_-

HellaRadKawaiiCatHellaRadKawaiiCat : Weird but overall a pretty decent game.

ScarecrowScarecrow : Weird game.

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-12, 13:37

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-12-25, 13:40
    *good not goods= -_- i'm tired

  • avatar
    spoopybirbb (1828) - 2018-12-25, 13:38
    um. Okay some games re just bad in the first place. Therefore, they should not have sequels. Goods= concept but crappy game.

  • avatar
    JasonBerg (890) - 2018-07-03, 03:29
    cool idea but not great.

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 15:59

  • avatar
    bewarefthesqueedge (446) - 2017-11-18, 05:50
    beautiful anatomy. beautiful.

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-04-29, 22:57

  • avatar
    xkcsz (313) - 2016-04-17, 02:21

  • avatar
    cute_but_scary (1672) - 2015-03-14, 01:41
    thanks @dark :) you're a perfect gentleman

  • avatar
    dark (5461) - 2015-03-13, 09:20
    :) hey no inconvenience, and that one is just perfect!

  • avatar
    cute_but_scary (1672) - 2015-03-13, 02:26
    ok i'll change it :p and sorry for inconvenience :)

  • avatar
    dark (5461) - 2015-03-12, 08:17
    it's hurting my eyes :) I can't stand looking at it.

  • avatar
    cute_but_scary (1672) - 2015-03-11, 11:30
    is my avatar way too much irritating

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