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Fingerbones is a creepy indie point and click psychological horror game.
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Fingerbones is a creepy indie point and click psychological horror game.

This is Unity

This is a Unity game, which means that the file is somewhat larger than usual, loading time is a bit longer, but at the end you will be enjoying the higher quality 3D graphics than we encounter in ordinary flash games. Besides this web version there are also downloadable versions for Mac and Windows.


This is not a SlenderMan type of game, so do not expect the pale creature sneaking on you from behind scaring the heck out of you. This game is not that kind of scary. So, there are no classic jump-scares, but there is some kind of constant tension and chills as well as the feeling of isolation produced by the environment around you, something that could be seen in Hitchcock movies. So, the game is dark but not in a bloody and violent way. This is in the first place horror escape game, where you through problem solving and cipher finding move from room to room until you find your way out. The game was meant to be finished in one turn, within a half an hour window, and that is why it doesn't have the 'save' option.

The Beginning

Scene one is placed up in the dusty attic. Sun rays are sneaking through the windows placed high up on the roof. The attic is cluttered with old stuff, boxes and humble wooden furniture. From time to time you come across some written notes, which reveal weird circumstances you have found yourself in.


Movement through 3D space is standard - using WASD keys. Interaction with objects, collecting and reading of notes is done with left mouse click. When the mouse pointer becomes bigger, it means that interaction with that object is possible.

What is it about and how to play it - SPOILER ALERT!!!

Out of those note you have found out that you are inside the survival bunker which is locked and you need a cipher to unlock the door. Secret code is his step daughter's name 'Katie'. On the table you will see something that looks like a chess board, however it doesn't react on clicking at the beginning. It is actually the keypad to enter the code. So, you go to the corner of the room, press the big button, go back to the table and enter the word 'Katie'. The door of the attic open and you go down the stairs. The messages are always only half clear and they leave the room for the player to fill in the blanks.

In the next room you find out what had actually happened. The world as we know it had collapsed. The entire city is dead, and thanks to this survival bunker, our hero and his stepdaughter Katie are the only survivors. His wife Lynn is most likely dead. What comes next is the brutal and instinctual fight among the survivors for their lives. To leave this room, you will have to go back up to the attic, revisit the chess board and enter the name 'Lynn'. The tensions are rising as you approach the end of the game and background sounds have a lot to do with it. The last code is 'Freedom'.

It is expected from the player to carefully read notes, follow the instructions and pay attention to every last detail.

At the very end we realize that cellar was only a metaphor for afterlife. So, nothing is going to happen, main hero is already dead. We are searching for nobody, we are saving nobody nor can we ever find an exit. The door with the inscription 'exit' on it, shall never be opened, because there is no way out for our hero. The door is only there to confuse you and lead you the wrong way. The basic idea of this game is to make you recreate this whole disturbing story in your head about what had happened here. So that makes this one interactive fictional and surreal adventure.


The game is just too slow. The movement through the game is slow. Some elements are not too intuitively done. You go back to the same location too many times (an attic) in search for yet another detail which might lead you forward. You are often forced to click randomly on objects which are not interactive.

The puzzles are not hard but are rather simplistic.

About the author

Indie developer David Szymanski, alias Jefeques.

Fingerbones Video Walkthrough


Fingerbones screenshot Fingerbones screenshot

ChochiPROChochiPRO : What kind of game is this?!

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ehh...

thecrazyonethecrazyone : not that bad..

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : i wrote all of htat in a minute.goddamn i type fast

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : bonefinger is defined as the bones of the finger.each finger has 3 bones total which leads to 15 bones per 5 fingers,which is aaproximately a hand,which leads to 30 bones per 10 fingers,which are aaproximately 2 hands. an average human beiing has 2 hands.

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : I need my mommy XD

FluffybutternubsFluffybutternubs : Omg I'm slow, found the game info... Game was alright...

FluffybutternubsFluffybutternubs : a̶

FluffybutternubsFluffybutternubs : I was a REALLY confused: the dude let his daughter die since she was similar to the wife; he felt free in the cellar; he didn't feel the need to hide his "urges", etc. Maybe I'm just really lazy to make sense of it all, but can someone explain the story's plot...?

Chara Dreemurr [undertale]Chara Dreemurr [undertale] : o-o

mystical_monkey123mystical_monkey123 : but i didnt like how i needed to guess the words

mystical_monkey123mystical_monkey123 : cool game

cordeliacordelia : Creepy awesome name though! Nice ring to it.

cordeliacordelia : I thought the story was really well done, but the game progression wasn't very interesting with just guessing passwords.

LaughingOtterLaughingOtter : Mixed reviews on this one. The simplicity of the game layout makes me think even I could learn how to program Unity games (or will it be an OpenGL variant next?). I love the voxel placement than changes the music depending on your location, I'll be borrowing that idea. Gameplay could have been more developed, but it wasn't all that bad. More shades of the Silent Hill games that are here on this site than anything.

JaneTheKillerJaneTheKiller : It's not that bad..

D3RK_KNIGHTD3RK_KNIGHT : good i like thy too

The Merry MarauderThe Merry Marauder : Pretty good, but it doesn't take 2 hours to finish! I was done in 20 minutes. The music score is awesome and the dust floating in all of the rooms made it really creepy when it blocked part of your view!

Amber The KillerAmber The Killer : 5 out of 5. i really like this game. cx

serialzeroserialzero : @FlamingRetroGamer... Check to see if your browser is blocking the plug-in. If you see a puzzle piece icon on the upper right, click on it, and then give it permission to run all the plug-ins on here.

FlamingRetroGamerFlamingRetroGamer : Why do these games never load and always have a black screen where the game should be?

scary_kidscary_kid : the creepiest thing in this game is that u r expecting something creepy to happen :D but i love it it has a good sound effects/music

serialzeroserialzero : Ah, I see what I did wrong. I skipped over one of the rooms entirely. No wonder the sequence of events didn't make sense. -_-

serialzeroserialzero : Definitely creepy. Had to cheat and look at the spoiler down below for the last door code though. I have no idea how I was supposed to figure that one out from the notes. They don't even mention that word until after you've already gone through the door. -_-

HellaRadKawaiiCatHellaRadKawaiiCat : It has a decent storyline but there should've been way more details and spooks because I mean this is a horror game website correct? A bit disappointed but it was one of the first games I played when I joined so.

rainbowsgoboomrainbowsgoboom : I understand though.......we are playing the father

rainbowsgoboomrainbowsgoboom : it ends so abruptly

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : weird but nice game

Masterblaster12Masterblaster12 : nothing special 3/5

HeavyMetalHeroHeavyMetalHero : Enjoyed playing it, it does a good job of making you think somethings out to get you or waiting for you in the shadows. Though I have a feeling the length, ease and ending may disappointment some. *Spoiler alert* Is anyone else curious about why humanity appears to be on the brink of extinction? The maker of this game seems to have a natural flair for writing, I'd love to see that apocalyptic scenario expanded upon in a future game.

rickcrimzonrickcrimzon : it is really slow, but playing this in a dark room with headphones, i got chills up my spine more than once. the ending was pretty disappointing and the story didnt really make much sense. im thinking a part 2 is in order. over all a pretty food game atmospherically and also fairly challenging.

CreepyalexCreepyalex : I like this one. It's really weird because it's not even close to creepy or scary. Nothing chasing you, no jump scares, not even weird noises or shadows. I think this game is only fascinating at first play, because you have no idea what to expect, but once you've finished and realize what happened and who the killer was, I think it's really boring to play again.

MINERNOLANMINERNOLAN : It was really boring, only a little creepy near the end.

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-08-10, 12:27
    What kind of game is this?!

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-19, 14:34

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 19:30
    not that bad..

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-05-06, 07:09
    i wrote all of htat in a minute.goddamn i type fast

  • avatar
    SpoopzMasterPinky (2986) - 2017-05-06, 07:08
    bonefinger is defined as the bones of the finger.each finger has 3 bones total which leads to 15 bones per 5 fingers,which is aaproximately a hand,which leads to 30 bones per 10 fingers,which are aaproximately 2 hands.
    an average human beiing has 2 hands.

  • avatar
    ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ (2326) - 2017-01-03, 22:57
    I need my mommy XD

  • avatar
    Fluffybutternubs (470) - 2016-12-26, 23:29
    Omg I'm slow, found the game info... Game was alright...

  • avatar
    Fluffybutternubs (470) - 2016-12-26, 23:26

  • avatar
    Fluffybutternubs (470) - 2016-12-26, 23:23
    I was a REALLY confused: the dude let his daughter die since she was similar to the wife; he felt free in the cellar; he didn't feel the need to hide his "urges", etc. Maybe I'm just really lazy to make sense of it all, but can someone explain the story's plot...?

  • avatar
    Chara Dreemurr [undertale] (1724) - 2016-12-22, 19:44

  • avatar
    mystical_monkey123 (26) - 2016-10-15, 21:26
    but i didnt like how i needed to guess the words

  • avatar
    mystical_monkey123 (26) - 2016-10-15, 21:25
    cool game

  • avatar
    cordelia (2950) - 2016-02-16, 20:38
    Creepy awesome name though! Nice ring to it.

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