Being One - Episode 3 - Dark Matter
The Being One is a Psionic games series about you escaping secret facility which conducts experiments on vampires, aliens and probably humans.Being One - Episode 3 - Dark Matter
Being One - Episode 3 - Dark Matter
The Being One is a Psionic games series about you escaping secret facility which conducts experiments on vampires, aliens and probably humans.
As being a little disoriented and not being able to recall past events, it is highly likely that you've been given something that's been used in the experiments.
Your goal is to continue to escape the place and to try to put the pieces together and reconstruct what had been going on in the facility and what had happened to you.
So, episode 3 called 'Dark Matter' is just a continuation of this point and click horror adventure.
The facility is in pretty bad shape. Most of the doors are not functional and you will have to fix fuse box first in order to power up the locking mechanism so you can open up the door and continue your walk through the corridor. It's more less everything typical for point and click games where you pick up and collect certain hidden items to use them later in solving mini puzzles.
To pass through a door you must put the switches in correct order so they give out 240V of current which in turn activates the power.
Finding input codes is a game of guessing numbers based on previously input number by typing in either higher or lower values as instructed.
To activate the service elevator door from the computer inside the laboratory room you must first initialize the pressure of all 4 pistons and stabilize that pressure.
After getting through the service door to reach out to the platform where the black creature stands and after you enlighten it with 4 reflectors, the story ends, maybe a little bit abruptly.
ChochiPRO : i am the one
JasonBerg : another good one. Not quite as good as episodes 1 and 2 but still fun. Can't wait for #4
spoopybirbb : <3
BadEverDayXD : game good it is hard for me *-*
thecrazyone : love it, just like the last 2 episodes (:
smoke30 : And one more part complete. Very short game.
WhenBirdsFly : I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but I would really enjoy if more 3D unity games were uploaded, I find those more enjoyable than point and click
cordelia : That was awesome! Great game. :)
scary_kid : freaky * mistyped ... ((no one cares)) :D
scary_kid : That freeky jumpscare scared the hell out of me (I still don't know why xD ) ... Loved it anyway :D
Loved it anyway :D