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Afraid Of Dark

Afraid Of Dark
Are you afraid of the dark?
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Afraid Of Dark

Are you afraid of the dark?

Probably not, because it is usually not the dark what scares us, but what comes out of it. When you are alone, on an unfamiliar terrain, surrounded by strange unknown people. The creatures. That's bad. Not being able to see. That's bad too.

This is pixel art game, which means it's been made very minimalistic, in low resolution, like Don't Escape or Micro Slender.

You wake up in the middle of the night because you heard some noises. The creatures are coming into your room, scaring you, coming from the closet and from the outside corridor, through the door. To keep them out, you have a flashlight and camera. The problem is that batteries won't last the whole night and the camera's flash illuminates the room for a really short period of time, just to scare away an immediate threat.

The concept is somewhat (a lot) similar to Five Nights at Freddie's, and your job is to stay alert and on duty watching all night long. To beat the game you must stay alive for 3 nights. To accomplish that you should check periodically left and right corners of the room, turn on the flashlight from time to time and pick up the phone when it rings. Or - you die. Actually, you get jumpscared to death.

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : Here I am in 2020 with this site being dead playing this game I usually play every few years because its just that good

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : fart piss shit

ChochiPROChochiPRO : tbh, im not afraid of the dark, the dark for me is depressing

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : i still cant get far. XD


maltheweebdemonmaltheweebdemon : I love pixel games, I really don't know why XD

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : ım who .___.

ShadeShade : i suck at this XD

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : oh god, i said FNAF style= good. I have my first sin.

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : i am afraid of the dark

thecrazyonethecrazyone : ;-; died my first try

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : ok, just started out, things seem cool.. OH THE CLOSET IS OPEN!uh.. closed it phew.. glad i survi.. im dead.GREAT START

SpoopzMasterPinkySpoopzMasterPinky : FNAF style=good

FairlyCherryFairlyCherry : 1st Night: Use secondary flashlight on closet ghost and keep the door shut, use regular flashlight on mirror. Keep your view on the mirror, closet, and window. The door is useless. 2nd Night: Use your secondary flashlight on the window ghost if his face pops up in the open window. Use the regular flashlight on the mirror ghost, and don't worry if your secondary runs out for the window ghost, since he grows spastic afterwards and doesn't really enter, and is affected by the regular as well. End any phone calls right as you receive them, as keeping your phone on for longer than a second will cause an instant death. Keep your view on the mirror, closet and window. The door is useless. 3rd and Final Night: Same rhythm as the previous night, only you have to be extra fast. The mirror ghost must be flashed at by the regular flashlight right as he appears, and phone calls must be answered just as fast. Keep your mouse ready on the hotbar. The closet has been known to sometimes open during this night in my playthrough, so since that's in view you might need to spare a second to take care of it! Keep your view on the mirror, closet, and window. The door is useless.

ʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶʀɨօȶ ʀǟȶ : So creepy, I love it. <3 I'm always so excited to play these pixelated horror games, they're amazing.

cordeliacordelia : Aw geez I'm rubbish at this! Cool game though anyhow. ;P

cordeliacordelia : Omg that first scare really got me! *nervous breathing*

MarcelinoMarcelino : this game is cool, this game it's a pixel art, i see PewDiePie play this game so i intersted to play this game XD

Silent KillerSilent Killer : yeees! I survived 3 nights xD

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : i apologize to all of them whom which i haven't been able to reply in pm :( i was too busy :( i am really very sorry

cute_but_scarycute_but_scary : yo guys :D !!! i am back :D !! so happy to see all the old and wrinkled faces

KevShin007KevShin007 : hahaha...

serialzeroserialzero : Oh, wow. This guy used one of the same free paint programs I use for fun. Rock on!


scary_kidscary_kid : survived the night 1 :D hurray, now I'm moving out from this freaky apartment :D h

JaneTheKillerJaneTheKiller : I don't know what to do -_-

ScientistScientist : Am i the only one that was so stupid? I needed 3 days to figure out how this game works...Anyway it was pretty unique after i learned it.★★★★★

CreepyalexCreepyalex : Fair and simple. I recommend this

RyeRazeRyeRaze : Wow. Simple, but nice. Good enough for a few jumpscares.

scary_kidscary_kid : @serialzero you've said everything what I wanted to say :p lol

serialzeroserialzero : Not bad, not bad. Obviously designed with FNAF in mind, but also kind of reminds me of some of Scriptwelder's games.

ScientistScientist : OK,ok i mentioned this game once.I didn't like it,I catched it on facebook right now and it is like 11 pm.I will give it a chance.

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