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Neverending Nightmares

Neverending Nightmares
Neverending Nightmares is psychological horror game inspired by real-life battles with depression and OCD, where you eventually confront your fears and emerge from your nightmare state.
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Neverending Nightmares

A far cry from the likes of classic psychological horror games like Alone in the Dark and Silent Hill, Neverending Nightmares is a bold, but not entirely successful, entry in the genre that is well worth closer inspection. It's actually inspired by its creator's real-life battles with depression and OCD and as such touches on themes not often seen so personally in video games. The result is a game which is both thought-provoking and frightening in equal measure.

image of neverending nightmares poster

What is it about?

The player takes control of a character named Thomas who finds himself in that classic horror movie concept of waking up from a nightmare only to find that he is still in one, and which he can never seem to escape from. The gameplay is seen from a side-on perspective and finds you exploring a series of supremely creepy environments as you progress through a branching tree of nightmares. You can expect to venture down blood-stained halls in a rundown old mansion, wander through an ancient graveyard or walk down the corridors of an asylum populated by screaming madmen, all of which are terrifying in the extreme. You are mostly required to avoid contact with the various hideous denizens of each level, running and hiding from encounters rather than engaging in direct contact with them.

If you can survive long enough, you eventually confront your fears and emerge from your nightmare state to be rewarded with one of several possible endings.

Author: Infinitap Games

Artist: Edward Gorey

Official website:

Music: Skyler McGlothlin (

Installation instructions

Game is provided in single (one file) installer (executable).

The zip file is protected with the pass code 'dark'.

Scroll down to get to the download link

Neverending Nightmares

Neverending Nightmares is psychological horror game inspired by real-life battles with depression and OCD, where you eventually confront your fears and emerge from your nightmare state.

Stunning visual style

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Neverending Nightmares is its stunning visual style which takes the work of renowned artist Edward Gorey as its inspiration. Most of the game is done in striking black and white, with only the occasional splash of color to identify items which can be interacted with. There are plenty of clever visual tricks too, such as the way your field of vision is restricted when carrying a lantern, along with cinematic fades and cuts, all of which combine to make this a game of truly unsettling proportions.

image of Neverending nightmares horror game scene

Genuinely thrilling gameplay

Much of the actual gameplay of Neverending Nightmares is genuinely thrilling, with a real sense of reluctant exploration where you don't want to go forward for fear of what you might find but where you can't stop yourself anyway. The monsters you encounter here, whether real or imagined, are also highly disturbing creations that are guaranteed to send a shudder down your spine and will linger in your own nightmares for some time even after you've stopped playing.

About not all perfect

It's not all perfect though, and there are moments of tedium in some of the levels, where you're exploring but nothing much seems to happen, with a few too many empty corridors than is really necessary. However, the game usually reels you back in, with snatches of whispered dialogue or the sounds of true horror echoing out from behind the walls of a padded cell more than sufficient to remind you of the nightmare you're in.

image of Neverending nightmares horror game scene

Overall - Definitely worth a look !

Overall, Neverending Nightmares is that rarity in the horror genre, a game that actually has something to say but which also delivers the shocks in stylish and effective fashion. Definitely worth a look for any self-respecting horror fan who likes to be challenged intellectually while they're being scared silly.

Download (pass code is 'dark')


Neverending Nightmares Offical Trailer

ChochiPROChochiPRO : Aww What?

BadEverDayXDBadEverDayXD : :/

thecrazyonethecrazyone : woah... i think i really did just died on the inside.. ;-;

romantic_gothxromantic_gothx : i guess i will just curl into a ball and cry :'( lol

romantic_gothxromantic_gothx : and if I go on other sites I have to buy the game and I can't because a) I'm too young for a credit card and b) My parents would never agree to buy it for me :(

romantic_gothxromantic_gothx : :( not downloading :(

serialzeroserialzero : Watched a few different Youtubers play this, including Markiplier. I don't own it on Steam yet, but would like to play it myself at some point. I loved the dark atmosphere, Edward Gorey-esque art style, and the subtext behind it all.

darkdark : @scary_kid Onedrive does not allow public sharing at the moment. I will take care of this asap! sorry for the inconvenience

scary_kidscary_kid : lol @scientist I watched Markiplier playing it too :D

CreepyalexCreepyalex : This one is fantastic!

ScientistScientist : scary_kid hmmm i didn't try it yet but slender flashlight took me to onedrive so i watched markiplier play it.

scary_kidscary_kid : uhmm, @dark, something is wrong, I can't download, it redirects me to OneDrive ?? :/ I was so excited about it but now I'm really sad :(

Michael MetzgerMichael Metzger : Is the game safe to download?

darkdark : @Scientist this one hits the bullseye. Thanks a lot! I have written down all other suggestions too.

scary_kidscary_kid : o yeah, finally :)) I love this game =)


ScientistScientist : OMG MY SUGGESTION IS ON THE SITE! I already know the game so i will rate now but i sure will play it on my own later.★★★★★

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  • avatar
    ChochiPRO (1641) - 2020-07-29, 14:15
    Aww What?

  • avatar
    BadEverDayXD (3693) - 2018-03-18, 17:31

  • avatar
    thecrazyone (3147) - 2017-06-19, 18:43
    woah... i think i really did just died on the inside.. ;-;

  • avatar
    romantic_gothx (285) - 2015-08-22, 15:19
    i guess i will just curl into a ball and cry :'( lol

  • avatar
    romantic_gothx (285) - 2015-08-22, 15:18
    and if I go on other sites I have to buy the game and I can't because a) I'm too young for a credit card and b) My parents would never agree to buy it for me :(

  • avatar
    romantic_gothx (285) - 2015-08-22, 15:15
    :( not downloading :(

  • avatar
    serialzero (3975) - 2015-08-20, 06:40
    Watched a few different Youtubers play this, including Markiplier. I don't own it on Steam yet, but would like to play it myself at some point. I loved the dark atmosphere, Edward Gorey-esque art style, and the subtext behind it all.

  • avatar
    dark (5461) - 2015-07-30, 10:46
    Onedrive does not allow public sharing at the moment. I will take care of this asap! sorry for the inconvenience

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-07-22, 12:04
    lol @scientist I watched Markiplier playing it too :D

  • avatar
    Creepyalex (5244) - 2015-07-21, 12:41
    This one is fantastic!

  • avatar
    Scientist (2717) - 2015-07-21, 11:28
    scary_kid hmmm i didn't try it yet but slender flashlight took me to onedrive so i watched markiplier play it.

  • avatar
    scary_kid (5862) - 2015-07-21, 10:37
    uhmm, @dark, something is wrong, I can't download, it redirects me to OneDrive ?? :/ I was so excited about it but now I'm really sad :(

  • avatar
    Michael Metzger (328) - 2015-07-21, 06:48
    Is the game safe to download?

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