Featured Games
Today, I've been asked to to make a video about how to register on darkhorrorgames.com. So I did, and the video is given below.... The procedure is simple and straightforward: hit register, type in your username and email, check your email for verification link, click on it and from that point on you may login to darkhorrogames....
Thanks for watching ...
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scary_kid (5862) - 2015-09-21, 11:14Scary something as Scary_Kid :D haha , some of my friends asked me too how to register to DHG and I was like, whaaat? Are you serious? but thn I explained and they joined :))
Scientist (2717) - 2015-09-20, 17:04I hope the one's who didn't know how to register got stuck on the e-mail message or else...They are not smart. Didn't want to sound overly rude.