Featured Games
This is your Shoutbox. Use this page to leave any message you like. Did someone step on your toe? Feeling pissed off about something, or just have some cool or totally uncool information you want to share with others. This is the place for that.
Just really interested in this site, its like a time capsule.
So how's everyone doing? Sad to see a lot of the games have become unplayable since Adobe Flash Player bit the big one. :(
Thank you for all the memories
Because i dont know what will happen to this site after December 31, I would like to thank the creator of the
Dark Horror Games. This site made my childhood better and more scarier of course. I found this site a six years
ago and its still fun. I must thank to all people who were playing on this site the whole time.
I hope this site will never disappear and never be forgotten.
Thank you for everything!
tomorrow i will go to school but i dont want to go
it's 20:47 PM
I have been feeling very depressed nowadays. There's this game called Pacify, does anyone wnna play?
(please someone run that game too im lonely doing runs by myself in the whole world)
I've noticed that there's no new games on darkhorrorgames and I'm wondering will there be any new games soon ?
I'm very loyal to this site and I'd not like to see the end of it :(
I've been missing for AGES.
I had a dark souls 3 to beat.
but now i'm back!
my little pony died like 4341434 years ago.
*pretending to chat with friends but i have none*
*pretending to chat with friends but i have none*
*pretending to chat with friends but i have none*
*pretending to chat with friends but i have none*
*pretending to chat with friends but i have none*
(im talking to you DDT)
that spooky scary skeletons song was a meme of 2011...
SpoopzMasterPinky :the 8th of the leaderboard
thank u ok
and me being not being a kid i dont think i want any issues so before hand knowledge keeps me put f trouble i mean i would rather be safe and look dumb than not be safe and end up in some kind of problem where i end up on the news lol .
i prefer skipping rather than blocking . because numbers in a name are to damn confusing
in fact you will get this message tomorrow or something i bet lol.
i just want something scary that has me thinking i heard something when nothing is really there lol.
it was slenderman winter
it mest me up
The not deep web game featuring numbers stations that are forwards? lol
Here's a few horror games we could add to DHG:
TJOC:R (still in alpha)
The Forest (in development since late 2013s, I have one of the most recent versions for free that could get to DHG but I never mentioned it before, also in alpha since 2013 but feels very complete besides some of the bugs)
Alien Isolation
lol, I can't believe I was off for 5 days :D
scientist i love scary stuff.my favorite scary picture is my profile one.but i would love to see some more scary pictures :D
I prefer Mozilla for Unity games and Chrome for the others. ;)
I love this place, whenever I'm about to play a game, first place I visit is DHG (faithful for a year now :D lol) I'm sure this community will grow, there are so many people who registered but only few are active which is a sad thing, this community deserves more because it's the best one (my personal opinion) ;)
I feel like DHG is the community i really belong to. Kongregate and Newgrounds are sure bigger and got much more options, but today we're like 3 and a new active users...(scary_kid,dark,cordelia the new one and me. All other popular left like my most important friends from warmerise. scary_kid, you're even about to pass creepyalex.
Yeah, one more thing, after waking up from the nightmare, u have the option to exit the game. :D played it twice,just to check is there night 2 , nope, maybe in the full version... someday :D
it's too dark in my room, I'm about to play some scary games
@scientist I see Paranormal in the PC games list :D
As far as lesser-known Youtubers goes, I watch Deceased Crab, FeyRazzle, Gamersleight, Jerejoe, and RecklessVillen.
uhmm.. I only watch Markiplier and Messyourself
Bronan Games was okay but he closed his youtube channel and the others are just too weird or boring, or they're overreacting which goes on my nerves.
Spooky B-day to me, Spooky B-day to me :D LOL
I guess you all should try to post something else, write a scary/spooky story, recommend something, write a joke, be rude, be silly, sassy :D
"hello" or just "..." brings 10 points :D some people just want to have more points :D :D
btw Happy New year guys :)
How r u?
btw Happy Holidays :)
its me
Maybe it's not the best idea ever m but I'm sure it would help me/us to remove some weird comments :D
Every time I checked the previous version of chat, nobody was there (and it lacks history) . Anyway, I could still simply add the previous chat box here in order to cover both options.